Projective objects and categories with enough projectives #
An object P
is called projective if every morphism out of P
factors through every epimorphism.
A category C
has enough projectives if every object admits an epimorphism from some
projective object.
CategoryTheory.Projective.over X
picks an arbitrary such projective object, and
CategoryTheory.Projective.π X : CategoryTheory.Projective.over X ⟶ X
is the corresponding
Given a morphism f : X ⟶ Y
, CategoryTheory.Projective.left f
is a projective object over
CategoryTheory.Limits.kernel f
, and Projective.d f : Projective.left f ⟶ X
is the morphism
π (kernel f) ≫ kernel.ι f
An object P
is called projective if every morphism out of P
factors through every epimorphism.
A projective presentation of an object X
consists of an epimorphism f : P ⟶ X
from some projective object P
- p : C
- projective : Projective self.p
Instances For
A category "has enough projectives" if for every object X
there is a projective object P
an epimorphism P ↠ X
- presentation (X : C) : Nonempty (ProjectivePresentation X)
An arbitrarily chosen factorisation of a morphism out of a projective object through an epimorphism.
Instances For
The axiom of choice says that every type is a projective object in Type
Projective.over X
provides an arbitrarily chosen projective object equipped with
an epimorphism Projective.π : Projective.over X ⟶ X
Instances For
The epimorphism projective.π : projective.over X ⟶ X
from the arbitrarily chosen projective object over X
Instances For
When C
has enough projectives, the object Projective.syzygies f
an arbitrarily chosen projective object over kernel f
Instances For
When C
has enough projectives,
Projective.d f : Projective.syzygies f ⟶ X
is the composition
π (kernel f) ≫ kernel.ι f
(When C
is abelian, we have exact (projective.d f) f
Instances For
Given an adjunction F ⊣ G
such that G
preserves epis, F
maps a projective presentation of
to a projective presentation of F(X)
- adj.mapProjectivePresentation X Y = (F.obj Y.p) ( Y.f)
Instances For
Given an equivalence of categories F
, a projective presentation of F(X)
induces a
projective presentation of X.