

In this file, we show that an adjunction G ⊣ F induces an adjunction between categories of sheaves. We also show that G preserves sheafification.

@[reducible, inline]

The forgetful functor from Sheaf J D to sheaves of types, for a concrete category D whose forgetful functor preserves the correct limits.

Instances For

    An adjunction adj : G ⊣ F with F : D ⥤ E and G : E ⥤ D induces an adjunction between Sheaf J D and Sheaf J E, in contexts where one can sheafify D-valued presheaves, and postcomposing with F preserves the property of being a sheaf.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      @[deprecated CategoryTheory.Sheaf.composeAndSheafify (since := "2024-11-26")]

      Alias of CategoryTheory.Sheaf.composeAndSheafify.

      This is the functor sending a sheaf X : Sheaf J A to the sheafification of X.val ⋙ F.

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline, deprecated CategoryTheory.Sheaf.adjunction (since := "2024-11-26")]

        The adjunction composeAndSheafify J G ⊣ sheafForget J.

        Instances For