1-hypercovers #
Given a Grothendieck topology J
on a category C
, we define the type of
-hypercovers of an object S : C
. They consists of a covering family
of morphisms X i ⟶ S
indexed by a type I₀
and, for each tuple (i₁, i₂)
of elements of I₀
, a "covering Y j
of the fibre product of X i₁
X i₂
over S
", a condition which is phrased here without assuming that
the fibre product actually exist.
The definition OneHypercover.isLimitMultifork
shows that if E
is a
-hypercover of S
, and F
is a sheaf, then F.obj (op S)
identifies to the multiequalizer of suitable maps
F.obj (op (E.X i)) ⟶ F.obj (op (E.Y j))
The categorical data that is involved in a 1
-hypercover of an object S
. This
consists of a family of morphisms f i : X i ⟶ S
for i : I₀
, and for each
tuple (i₁, i₂)
of elements in I₀
, a family of objects Y j
indexed by
a type I₁ i₁ i₂
, which are equipped with a map to the fibre product of X i₁
and X i₂
, which is phrased here as the data of the two projections
p₁ : Y j ⟶ X i₁
, p₂ : Y j ⟶ X i₂
and the relation p₁ j ≫ f i₁ = p₂ j ≫ f i₂
(See GrothendieckTopology.OneHypercover
for the topological conditions.)
- I₀ : Type w
the index type of the covering of
- X (i : self.I₀) : C
the objects in the covering of
- f (i : self.I₀) : self.X i ⟶ S
the morphisms in the covering of
- I₁ (i₁ i₂ : self.I₀) : Type w
the index type of the coverings of the fibre products
- Y ⦃i₁ i₂ : self.I₀⦄ (j : self.I₁ i₁ i₂) : C
the objects in the coverings of the fibre products
- w ⦃i₁ i₂ : self.I₀⦄ (j : self.I₁ i₁ i₂) : CategoryStruct.comp (self.p₁ j) (self.f i₁) = CategoryStruct.comp (self.p₂ j) (self.f i₂)
Instances For
The assumption that the pullback of X i₁
and X i₂
over S
for any i₁
and i₂
- E.HasPullbacks = ∀ (i₁ i₂ : E.I₀), CategoryTheory.Limits.HasPullback (E.f i₁) (E.f i₂)
Instances For
The sieve of S
that is generated by the morphisms f i : X i ⟶ S
- E.sieve₀ = CategoryTheory.Sieve.ofArrows E.X E.f
Instances For
Given an object W
equipped with morphisms p₁ : W ⟶ E.X i₁
, p₂ : W ⟶ E.X i₂
this is the sieve of W
which consists of morphisms g : Z ⟶ W
such that there exists j
and h : Z ⟶ E.Y j
such that g ≫ p₁ = h ≫ E.p₁ j
and g ≫ p₂ = h ≫ E.p₂ j
See lemmas sieve₁_eq_pullback_sieve₁'
and sieve₁'_eq_sieve₁
for equational lemmas
regarding this sieve.
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Instances For
The obvious morphism E.Y j ⟶ pullback (E.f i₁) (E.f i₂)
given by E : PreOneHypercover S
- E.toPullback j = CategoryTheory.Limits.pullback.lift (E.p₁ j) (E.p₂ j) ⋯
Instances For
The sieve of pullback (E.f i₁) (E.f i₂)
given by E : PreOneHypercover S
- E.sieve₁' i₁ i₂ = CategoryTheory.Sieve.ofArrows E.Y fun (j : E.I₁ i₁ i₂) => E.toPullback j
Instances For
The sigma type of all E.I₁ i₁ i₂
for ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ : E.I₀ × E.I₀
Instances For
The diagram of the multifork attached to a presheaf
F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A
, S : C
and E : PreOneHypercover S
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Instances For
The multifork attached to a presheaf F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A
, S : C
and E : PreOneHypercover S
- E.multifork F = CategoryTheory.Limits.Multifork.ofι (E.multicospanIndex F) (F.obj (Opposite.op S)) (fun (i₀ : (E.multicospanIndex F).L) => F.map (E.f i₀).op) ⋯
Instances For
The type of 1
-hypercovers of an object S : C
in a category equipped with a
Grothendieck topology J
. This can be constructed from a covering of S
a covering of the fibre products of the objects in this covering (see OneHypercover.mk'
- w ⦃i₁ i₂ : self.I₀⦄ (j : self.I₁ i₁ i₂) : CategoryStruct.comp (self.p₁ j) (self.f i₁) = CategoryStruct.comp (self.p₂ j) (self.f i₂)
- mem₀ : self.sieve₀ ∈ J S
- mem₁ (i₁ i₂ : self.I₀) ⦃W : C⦄ (p₁ : W ⟶ self.X i₁) (p₂ : W ⟶ self.X i₂) (w : CategoryStruct.comp p₁ (self.f i₁) = CategoryStruct.comp p₂ (self.f i₂)) : self.sieve₁ p₁ p₂ ∈ J W
Instances For
In order to check that a certain data is a 1
-hypercover of S
, it suffices to
check that the data provides a covering of S
and of the fibre products.
- CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.OneHypercover.mk' E mem₀ mem₁' = { toPreOneHypercover := E, mem₀ := mem₀, mem₁ := ⋯ }
Instances For
Auxiliary definition of isLimitMultifork
- CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.OneHypercover.multiforkLift c = ⋯.amalgamateOfArrows E.f ⋯ c.ι ⋯
Instances For
If E : J.OneHypercover S
and F : Sheaf J A
, then F.obj (op S)
a multiequalizer of suitable maps F.obj (op (E.X i)) ⟶ F.obj (op (E.Y j))
induced by E.p₁ j
and E.p₂ j
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Instances For
The tautological 1-pre-hypercover induced by S : J.Cover X
. Its index type I₀
is given by S.Arrow
(i.e. all the morphisms in the sieve S
), while I₁
is given
by all possible pullback cones.
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Instances For
The tautological 1-hypercover induced by S : J.Cover X
. Its index type I₀
is given by S.Arrow
(i.e. all the morphisms in the sieve S
), while I₁
is given
by all possible pullback cones.
- S.oneHypercover = { toPreOneHypercover := S.preOneHypercover, mem₀ := ⋯, mem₁ := ⋯ }