Pullback of sheaves #
Main definitions #
: whenG : C ⥤ D
is a continuous functor between sites (for topologiesJ
) such that the functorG.sheafPushforwardContinuous A J K : Sheaf K A ⥤ Sheaf J A
has a left adjoint, this is the pullback functor defined as a chosen left adjoint.CategoryTheory.Functor.sheafAdjunctionContinuous
: the adjunctionG.sheafPullback A J K ⊣ G.sheafPushforwardContinuous A J K
when the functorG
is continuous. In caseG
is representably flat, the pullback functor on sheaves commutes with finite limits: this is a morphism of sites in the sense of SGA 4 IV 4.9.
The pullback functor Sheaf J A ⥤ Sheaf K A
associated to a functor G : C ⥤ D
in the
same direction as G
- G.sheafPullback A J K = (G.sheafPushforwardContinuous A J K).leftAdjoint
Instances For
The pullback functor is left adjoint to the pushforward functor.
Instances For
Construction of the pullback of sheaves using a left Kan extension.
Instances For
The constructed sheafPullback G A J K
is left adjoint
to G.sheafPushforwardContinuous A J K
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Instances For
The constructed pullback of sheaves is isomorphic to the abstract one.
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