

Sheaf cohomology #

Let C be a category equipped with a Grothendieck topology J. We define the cohomology types Sheaf.H F n of an abelian sheaf F on the site (C, J) for all n : ℕ. These abelian groups are defined as the Ext-groups from the constant abelian sheaf with values (actually ULift) to F.

We also define Sheaf.cohomologyPresheaf F n : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ AddCommGrp which is the presheaf which sends U to the nth Ext-group from the free abelian sheaf generated by the presheaf of sets yoneda.obj U to F.


The cohomology of an abelian sheaf in degree n.

Instances For

    The bifunctor which sends an abelian sheaf F and an object U to the nth Ext-group from the free abelian sheaf generated by the presheaf of sets yoneda.obj U to F.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]

      Given an abelian sheaf F, this is the presheaf which sends U to the nth Ext-group from the free abelian sheaf generated by the presheaf of sets yoneda.obj U to F.

      Instances For