Definitions for finite and locally finite graphs #
This file defines finite versions of edgeSet
, neighborSet
and incidenceSet
and proves some
of their basic properties. It also defines the notion of a locally finite graph, which is one
whose vertices have finite degree.
The design for finiteness is that each definition takes the smallest finiteness assumption
necessary. For example, SimpleGraph.neighborFinset v
only requires that v
finitely many neighbors.
Main definitions #
is theFinset
of edges in a graph, ifedgeSet
is finiteSimpleGraph.neighborFinset
is theFinset
of vertices adjacent to a given vertex, ifneighborSet
is finiteSimpleGraph.incidenceFinset
is theFinset
of edges containing a given vertex, ifincidenceSet
is finite
Naming conventions #
If the vertex type of a graph is finite, we refer to its cardinality as CardVerts
or card_verts
Implementation notes #
- A locally finite graph is one with instances
Π v, Fintype (G.neighborSet v)
. - Given instances
DecidableRel G.Adj
andFintype V
, then the graph is locally finite, too.
The edgeSet
of the graph as a Finset
- G.edgeFinset = G.edgeSet.toFinset
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of SimpleGraph.edgeFinset_subset_edgeFinset
Alias of the reverse direction of SimpleGraph.edgeFinset_ssubset_edgeFinset
The complete graph on n
vertices has n.choose 2
Any graph on n
vertices has at most n.choose 2
A graph is r
-delete-far from a property p
if we must delete at least r
edges from it to
get a graph with the property p
- G.DeleteFar p r = ∀ ⦃s : Finset (Sym2 V)⦄, s ⊆ G.edgeFinset → p (G.deleteEdges ↑s) → r ≤ ↑s.card
Instances For
Alias of the forward direction of SimpleGraph.deleteFar_iff
Finiteness at a vertex #
This section contains definitions and lemmas concerning vertices that
have finitely many adjacent vertices. We denote this condition by
Fintype (G.neighborSet v)
We define G.neighborFinset v
to be the Finset
version of G.neighborSet v
Use neighborFinset_eq_filter
to rewrite this definition as a Finset.filter
G.neighbors v
is the Finset
version of G.Adj v
in case G
locally finite at v
- G.neighborFinset v = (G.neighborSet v).toFinset
Instances For v
is the number of vertices adjacent to v
- v = (G.neighborFinset v).card
Instances For
- G.incidenceSetFintype v = Fintype.ofEquiv (↑(G.neighborSet v)) (G.incidenceSetEquivNeighborSet v).symm
This is the Finset
version of incidenceSet
- G.incidenceFinset v = (G.incidenceSet v).toFinset
Instances For
A graph is locally finite if every vertex has a finite neighbor set.
- G.LocallyFinite = ((v : V) → Fintype ↑(G.neighborSet v))
Instances For
A locally finite simple graph is regular of degree d
if every vertex has degree d
- G.IsRegularOfDegree d = ∀ (v : V), v = d
Instances For
- G.neighborSetFintype v = Subtype.fintype fun (x : V) => x ∈ G.neighborSet v
The minimum degree of all vertices (and 0
if there are no vertices).
The key properties of this are given in exists_minimal_degree_vertex
, minDegree_le_degree
and le_minDegree_of_forall_le_degree
- G.minDegree = WithTop.untopD 0 (Finset.image (fun (v : V) => v) Finset.univ).min
Instances For
There exists a vertex of minimal degree. Note the assumption of being nonempty is necessary, as the lemma implies there exists a vertex.
The minimum degree in the graph is at most the degree of any particular vertex.
In a nonempty graph, if k
is at most the degree of every vertex, it is at most the minimum
degree. Note the assumption that the graph is nonempty is necessary as long as G.minDegree
defined to be a natural.
The maximum degree of all vertices (and 0
if there are no vertices).
The key properties of this are given in exists_maximal_degree_vertex
, degree_le_maxDegree
and maxDegree_le_of_forall_degree_le
- G.maxDegree = Option.getD (Finset.image (fun (v : V) => v) Finset.univ).max 0
Instances For
There exists a vertex of maximal degree. Note the assumption of being nonempty is necessary, as the lemma implies there exists a vertex.
The maximum degree in the graph is at least the degree of any particular vertex.
In a graph, if k
is at least the degree of every vertex, then it is at least the maximum
The maximum degree of a nonempty graph is less than the number of vertices. Note that the assumption
that V
is nonempty is necessary, as otherwise this would assert the existence of a
natural number less than zero.
If the condition G.Adj v w
fails, then card_commonNeighbors_le_degree
the best we can do in general.
- SimpleGraph.instDecidablePredMemSetSupport = inferInstanceAs (DecidablePred fun (x : V) => x ∈ {v : V | ∃ (w : V), G.Adj v w})
If the support of the simple graph G
is a subset of the set s
, then the induced subgraph of
has the same number of edges as G
If the neighbor set of a vertex v
is a subset of s
, then the degree of the vertex in the
induced subgraph of s
is the same as in G
If the support of the simple graph G
is a subset of the set s
, then the degree of vertices
in the induced subgraph of s
are the same as in G