

Maps between graphs #

This file defines two functions and three structures relating graphs. The structures directly correspond to the classification of functions as injective, surjective and bijective, and have corresponding notation.

Main definitions #

Note that a graph embedding is a stronger notion than an injective graph homomorphism, since its image is an induced subgraph.

Implementation notes #

Morphisms of graphs are abbreviations for RelHom, RelEmbedding and RelIso. To make use of pre-existing simp lemmas, definitions involving morphisms are abbreviations as well.

Map and comap #

def {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) :

Given an injective function, there is a covariant induced map on graphs by pushing forward the adjacency relation.

This is injective (see SimpleGraph.map_injective).

Instances For
    instance SimpleGraph.instDecidableMapAdj {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (G : SimpleGraph V) {f : V W} {a b : W} [Decidable (Relation.Map G.Adj (⇑f) (⇑f) a b)] :
    theorem SimpleGraph.map_adj {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) (u v : W) :
    ( f G).Adj u v ∃ (u' : V) (v' : V), G.Adj u' v' f u' = u f v' = v
    theorem SimpleGraph.map_adj_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {f : V W} {a b : V} :
    ( f G).Adj (f a) (f b) G.Adj a b
    theorem SimpleGraph.map_monotone {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) :
    theorem SimpleGraph.map_map {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} (G : SimpleGraph V) (f : V W) (g : W X) :
    def SimpleGraph.comap {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : VW) (G : SimpleGraph W) :

    Given a function, there is a contravariant induced map on graphs by pulling back the adjacency relation. This is one of the ways of creating induced graphs. See SimpleGraph.induce for a wrapper.

    This is surjective when f is injective (see SimpleGraph.comap_surjective).

    Instances For
      theorem SimpleGraph.comap_adj {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {u v : V} {G : SimpleGraph W} {f : VW} :
      (SimpleGraph.comap f G).Adj u v G.Adj (f u) (f v)
      theorem SimpleGraph.comap_comap {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph X} (f : VW) (g : WX) :
      instance SimpleGraph.instDecidableComapAdj {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : VW) (G : SimpleGraph W) [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
      theorem SimpleGraph.comap_monotone {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) :
      theorem SimpleGraph.comap_map_eq {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) :
      theorem SimpleGraph.map_le_iff_le_comap {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) (G' : SimpleGraph W) :
      theorem SimpleGraph.map_comap_le {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph W) :
      theorem SimpleGraph.le_comap_of_subsingleton {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (G : SimpleGraph V) (G' : SimpleGraph W) (f : VW) [Subsingleton V] :
      theorem SimpleGraph.map_le_of_subsingleton {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (G : SimpleGraph V) (G' : SimpleGraph W) (f : V W) [Subsingleton V] :
      @[reducible, inline]
      abbrev SimpleGraph.completeMultipartiteGraph {ι : Type u_4} (V : ιType u_5) :
      SimpleGraph ((i : ι) × V i)

      Given a family of vertex types indexed by ι, pulling back from ⊤ : SimpleGraph ι yields the complete multipartite graph on the family. Two vertices are adjacent if and only if their indices are not equal.

      Instances For
        def Equiv.simpleGraph {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (e : V W) :

        Equivalent types have equivalent simple graphs.

        Instances For
          theorem Equiv.simpleGraph_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (e : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) :
          theorem Equiv.simpleGraph_trans {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} (e₁ : V W) (e₂ : W X) :
          theorem Equiv.symm_simpleGraph {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (e : V W) :

          Induced graphs #

          @[reducible, inline]
          abbrev SimpleGraph.induce {V : Type u_1} (s : Set V) (G : SimpleGraph V) :

          Restrict a graph to the vertices in the set s, deleting all edges incident to vertices outside the set. This is a wrapper around SimpleGraph.comap.

          Instances For
            theorem SimpleGraph.induce_singleton_eq_top {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) (v : V) :
            @[reducible, inline]
            abbrev SimpleGraph.spanningCoe {V : Type u_1} {s : Set V} (G : SimpleGraph s) :

            Given a graph on a set of vertices, we can make it be a SimpleGraph V by adding in the remaining vertices without adding in any additional edges. This is a wrapper around

            Instances For
              theorem SimpleGraph.induce_spanningCoe {V : Type u_1} {s : Set V} {G : SimpleGraph s} :

              Homomorphisms, embeddings and isomorphisms #

              @[reducible, inline]
              abbrev SimpleGraph.Hom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (G : SimpleGraph V) (G' : SimpleGraph W) :
              Type (max u_1 u_2)

              A graph homomorphism is a map on vertex sets that respects adjacency relations.

              The notation G →g G' represents the type of graph homomorphisms.

              Instances For
                @[reducible, inline]
                abbrev SimpleGraph.Embedding {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (G : SimpleGraph V) (G' : SimpleGraph W) :
                Type (max u_1 u_2)

                A graph embedding is an embedding f such that for vertices v w : V, G'.Adj (f v) (f w) ↔ G.Adj v w. Its image is an induced subgraph of G'.

                The notation G ↪g G' represents the type of graph embeddings.

                Instances For
                  @[reducible, inline]
                  abbrev SimpleGraph.Iso {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (G : SimpleGraph V) (G' : SimpleGraph W) :
                  Type (max u_1 u_2)

                  A graph isomorphism is a bijective map on vertex sets that respects adjacency relations.

                  The notation G ≃g G' represents the type of graph isomorphisms.

                  Instances For

                    A graph homomorphism is a map on vertex sets that respects adjacency relations.

                    The notation G →g G' represents the type of graph homomorphisms.

                    Instances For

                      A graph embedding is an embedding f such that for vertices v w : V, G'.Adj (f v) (f w) ↔ G.Adj v w. Its image is an induced subgraph of G'.

                      The notation G ↪g G' represents the type of graph embeddings.

                      Instances For

                        A graph isomorphism is a bijective map on vertex sets that respects adjacency relations.

                        The notation G ≃g G' represents the type of graph isomorphisms.

                        Instances For
                          @[reducible, inline]
                          abbrev {V : Type u_1} {G : SimpleGraph V} :
                          G →g G

                          The identity homomorphism from a graph to itself.

                          Instances For
                            theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.coe_id {V : Type u_1} {G : SimpleGraph V} :
                            instance SimpleGraph.Hom.instSubsingletonOfForall {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {H : SimpleGraph W} [Subsingleton (VW)] :
                            instance SimpleGraph.Hom.instUniqueOfIsEmpty {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {H : SimpleGraph W} [IsEmpty V] :
                            Unique (G →g H)
                            instance SimpleGraph.Hom.instFinite {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {H : SimpleGraph W} [Finite V] [Finite W] :
                            Finite (G →g H)
                            theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.map_adj {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') {v w : V} (h : G.Adj v w) :
                            G'.Adj (f v) (f w)
                            theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.map_mem_edgeSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') {e : Sym2 V} (h : e G.edgeSet) :
                   (⇑f) e G'.edgeSet
                            theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.apply_mem_neighborSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') {v w : V} (h : w G.neighborSet v) :
                            f w G'.neighborSet (f v)
                            def SimpleGraph.Hom.mapEdgeSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') (e : G.edgeSet) :

                            The map between edge sets induced by a homomorphism. The underlying map on edges is given by

                            Instances For
                              theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.mapEdgeSet_coe {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') (e : G.edgeSet) :
                              (f.mapEdgeSet e) = f e
                              def SimpleGraph.Hom.mapNeighborSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') (v : V) (w : (G.neighborSet v)) :
                              (G'.neighborSet (f v))

                              The map between neighbor sets induced by a homomorphism.

                              Instances For
                                theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.mapNeighborSet_coe {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') (v : V) (w : (G.neighborSet v)) :
                                (f.mapNeighborSet v w) = f w
                                def SimpleGraph.Hom.mapDart {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') (d : G.Dart) :

                                The map between darts induced by a homomorphism.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.mapDart_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G →g G') (d : G.Dart) :
                                  f.mapDart d = { toProd := (⇑f) (⇑f) d.toProd, adj := }
                                  def SimpleGraph.Hom.ofLE {V : Type u_1} {G₁ G₂ : SimpleGraph V} (h : G₁ G₂) :
                                  G₁ →g G₂

                                  The graph homomorphism from a smaller graph to a bigger one.

                                  Instances For
                                    theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.coe_ofLE {V : Type u_1} {G₁ G₂ : SimpleGraph V} (h : G₁ G₂) :
                                    (ofLE h) = id
                                    theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.ofLE_apply {V : Type u_1} {G₁ G₂ : SimpleGraph V} (h : G₁ G₂) (v : V) :
                                    (ofLE h) v = v
                                    @[deprecated SimpleGraph.Hom.ofLE (since := "2025-03-17")]
                                    def SimpleGraph.Hom.mapSpanningSubgraphs {V : Type u_1} {G G' : SimpleGraph V} (h : G G') :
                                    G →g G'

                                    The induced map for spanning subgraphs, which is the identity on vertices.

                                    Instances For
                                      @[deprecated "This is true by simp" (since := "2025-03-17")]
                                      theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.mapSpanningSubgraphs_inj {V : Type u_1} {G G' : SimpleGraph V} {v w : V} (h : G G') :
                                      (ofLE h) v = (ofLE h) w v = w
                                      @[deprecated "This is true by simp" (since := "2025-03-17")]
                                      theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.injective_of_top_hom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : →g G') :

                                      Every graph homomorphism from a complete graph is injective.

                                      def SimpleGraph.Hom.comap {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : VW) (G : SimpleGraph W) :

                                      There is a homomorphism to a graph from a comapped graph. When the function is injective, this is an embedding (see SimpleGraph.Embedding.comap).

                                      Instances For
                                        theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.comap_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : VW) (G : SimpleGraph W) (a✝ : V) :
                                        (Hom.comap f G) a✝ = f a✝
                                        @[reducible, inline]
                                        abbrev SimpleGraph.Hom.comp {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {G'' : SimpleGraph X} (f' : G' →g G'') (f : G →g G') :
                                        G →g G''

                                        Composition of graph homomorphisms.

                                        Instances For
                                          theorem SimpleGraph.Hom.coe_comp {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {G'' : SimpleGraph X} (f' : G' →g G'') (f : G →g G') :
                                          (f'.comp f) = f' f
                                          @[reducible, inline]
                                          abbrev SimpleGraph.Embedding.refl {V : Type u_1} {G : SimpleGraph V} :
                                          G ↪g G

                                          The identity embedding from a graph to itself.

                                          Instances For
                                            @[reducible, inline]
                                            abbrev SimpleGraph.Embedding.toHom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') :
                                            G →g G'

                                            An embedding of graphs gives rise to a homomorphism of graphs.

                                            Instances For
                                              theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.coe_toHom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {H : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g H) :
                                              f.toHom = f
                                              theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.map_adj_iff {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') {v w : V} :
                                              G'.Adj (f v) (f w) G.Adj v w
                                              theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.map_mem_edgeSet_iff {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') {e : Sym2 V} :
                                     (⇑f) e G'.edgeSet e G.edgeSet
                                              theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.apply_mem_neighborSet_iff {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') {v w : V} :
                                              f w G'.neighborSet (f v) w G.neighborSet v
                                              def SimpleGraph.Embedding.mapEdgeSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') :
                                              G.edgeSet G'.edgeSet

                                              A graph embedding induces an embedding of edge sets.

                                              Instances For
                                                theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.mapEdgeSet_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') (e : G.edgeSet) :
                                                def SimpleGraph.Embedding.mapNeighborSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') (v : V) :
                                                (G.neighborSet v) (G'.neighborSet (f v))

                                                A graph embedding induces an embedding of neighbor sets.

                                                Instances For
                                                  theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.mapNeighborSet_apply_coe {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ↪g G') (v : V) (w : (G.neighborSet v)) :
                                                  ((f.mapNeighborSet v) w) = f w
                                                  def SimpleGraph.Embedding.comap {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph W) :

                                                  Given an injective function, there is an embedding from the comapped graph into the original graph.

                                                  Instances For
                                                    theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.comap_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph W) (v : V) :
                                                    (Embedding.comap f G) v = f v
                                                    def {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) :

                                                    Given an injective function, there is an embedding from a graph into the mapped graph.

                                                    Instances For
                                                      theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.map_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) (v : V) :
                                                      ( f G) v = f v
                                                      @[reducible, inline]
                                                      abbrev SimpleGraph.Embedding.induce {V : Type u_1} {G : SimpleGraph V} (s : Set V) :
                                                      induce s G ↪g G

                                                      Induced graphs embed in the original graph.

                                                      Note that if G.induce s = ⊤ (i.e., if s is a clique) then this gives the embedding of a complete graph.

                                                      Instances For
                                                        @[reducible, inline]
                                                        abbrev SimpleGraph.Embedding.spanningCoe {V : Type u_1} {s : Set V} (G : SimpleGraph s) :

                                                        Graphs on a set of vertices embed in their spanningCoe.

                                                        Instances For
                                                          def SimpleGraph.Embedding.completeGraph {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} (f : α β) :

                                                          Embeddings of types induce embeddings of complete graphs on those types.

                                                          Instances For
                                                            theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.coe_completeGraph {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} (f : α β) :
                                                            @[reducible, inline]
                                                            abbrev SimpleGraph.Embedding.comp {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {G'' : SimpleGraph X} (f' : G' ↪g G'') (f : G ↪g G') :
                                                            G ↪g G''

                                                            Composition of graph embeddings.

                                                            Instances For
                                                              theorem SimpleGraph.Embedding.coe_comp {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {G'' : SimpleGraph X} (f' : G' ↪g G'') (f : G ↪g G') :
                                                              (f'.comp f) = f' f
                                                              def SimpleGraph.Embedding.complEquiv {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {H : SimpleGraph W} :

                                                              Graph embeddings from G to H are the same thing as graph embeddings from Gᶜ to Hᶜ.

                                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                              Instances For
                                                                def SimpleGraph.induceHom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {s : Set V} {t : Set W} (φ : G →g G') (φst : Set.MapsTo (⇑φ) s t) :
                                                                induce s G →g induce t G'

                                                                The restriction of a morphism of graphs to induced subgraphs.

                                                                Instances For
                                                                  theorem SimpleGraph.coe_induceHom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {s : Set V} {t : Set W} (φ : G →g G') (φst : Set.MapsTo (⇑φ) s t) :
                                                                  (induceHom φ φst) = Set.MapsTo.restrict (⇑φ) s t φst
                                                                  theorem SimpleGraph.induceHom_id {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) (s : Set V) :
                                                                  theorem SimpleGraph.induceHom_comp {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {G'' : SimpleGraph X} {s : Set V} {t : Set W} {r : Set X} (φ : G →g G') (φst : Set.MapsTo (⇑φ) s t) (ψ : G' →g G'') (ψtr : Set.MapsTo (⇑ψ) t r) :
                                                                  (induceHom ψ ψtr).comp (induceHom φ φst) = induceHom (ψ.comp φ)
                                                                  theorem SimpleGraph.induceHom_injective {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {s : Set V} {t : Set W} (φ : G →g G') (φst : Set.MapsTo (⇑φ) s t) (hi : Set.InjOn (⇑φ) s) :
                                                                  def SimpleGraph.induceHomOfLE {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) {s s' : Set V} (h : s s') :
                                                                  induce s G ↪g induce s' G

                                                                  Given an inclusion of vertex subsets, the induced embedding on induced graphs. This is not an abbreviation for induceHom since we get an embedding in this case.

                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    theorem SimpleGraph.induceHomOfLE_apply {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) {s s' : Set V} (h : s s') (v : s) :
                                                                    theorem SimpleGraph.induceHomOfLE_toHom {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) {s s' : Set V} (h : s s') :
                                                                    @[reducible, inline]
                                                                    abbrev SimpleGraph.Iso.refl {V : Type u_1} {G : SimpleGraph V} :
                                                                    G ≃g G

                                                                    The identity isomorphism of a graph with itself.

                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      @[reducible, inline]
                                                                      abbrev SimpleGraph.Iso.toEmbedding {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                      G ↪g G'

                                                                      An isomorphism of graphs gives rise to an embedding of graphs.

                                                                      Instances For
                                                                        @[reducible, inline]
                                                                        abbrev SimpleGraph.Iso.toHom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                        G →g G'

                                                                        An isomorphism of graphs gives rise to a homomorphism of graphs.

                                                                        Instances For
                                                                          @[reducible, inline]
                                                                          abbrev SimpleGraph.Iso.symm {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                          G' ≃g G

                                                                          The inverse of a graph isomorphism.

                                                                          Instances For
                                                                            theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.map_adj_iff {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') {v w : V} :
                                                                            G'.Adj (f v) (f w) G.Adj v w
                                                                            theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.map_mem_edgeSet_iff {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') {e : Sym2 V} :
                                                                   (⇑f) e G'.edgeSet e G.edgeSet
                                                                            theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.apply_mem_neighborSet_iff {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') {v w : V} :
                                                                            f w G'.neighborSet (f v) w G.neighborSet v
                                                                            theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.symm_toHom_comp_toHom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                            theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.toHom_comp_symm_toHom {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                            def SimpleGraph.Iso.mapEdgeSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                            G.edgeSet G'.edgeSet

                                                                            An isomorphism of graphs induces an equivalence of edge sets.

                                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                            Instances For
                                                                              theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.mapEdgeSet_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') (e : G.edgeSet) :
                                                                              def SimpleGraph.Iso.mapNeighborSet {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') (v : V) :
                                                                              (G.neighborSet v) (G'.neighborSet (f v))

                                                                              A graph isomorphism induces an equivalence of neighbor sets.

                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.mapNeighborSet_symm_apply_coe {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') (v : V) (w : (G'.neighborSet (f v))) :
                                                                                ((f.mapNeighborSet v).symm w) = f.symm w
                                                                                theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.mapNeighborSet_apply_coe {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') (v : V) (w : (G.neighborSet v)) :
                                                                                ((f.mapNeighborSet v) w) = f w
                                                                                theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.card_eq {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} (f : G ≃g G') [Fintype V] [Fintype W] :
                                                                                def SimpleGraph.Iso.comap {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph W) :

                                                                                Given a bijection, there is an embedding from the comapped graph into the original graph.

                                                                                Instances For
                                                                                  theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.comap_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph W) (v : V) :
                                                                                  (Iso.comap f G) v = f v
                                                                                  theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.comap_symm_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph W) (w : W) :
                                                                                  (Iso.comap f G).symm w = f.symm w
                                                                                  def {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) :

                                                                                  Given an injective function, there is an embedding from a graph into the mapped graph.

                                                                                  Instances For
                                                                                    theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.map_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) (v : V) :
                                                                                    ( f G) v = f v
                                                                                    theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.map_symm_apply {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} (f : V W) (G : SimpleGraph V) (w : W) :
                                                                                    ( f G).symm w = f.symm w
                                                                                    def SimpleGraph.Iso.completeGraph {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} (f : α β) :

                                                                                    Equivalences of types induce isomorphisms of complete graphs on those types.

                                                                                    Instances For
                                                                                      @[reducible, inline]
                                                                                      abbrev SimpleGraph.Iso.comp {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {G'' : SimpleGraph X} (f' : G' ≃g G'') (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                                      G ≃g G''

                                                                                      Composition of graph isomorphisms.

                                                                                      Instances For
                                                                                        theorem SimpleGraph.Iso.coe_comp {V : Type u_1} {W : Type u_2} {X : Type u_3} {G : SimpleGraph V} {G' : SimpleGraph W} {G'' : SimpleGraph X} (f' : G' ≃g G'') (f : G ≃g G') :
                                                                                        (f'.comp f) = f' f

                                                                                        The graph induced on Set.univ is isomorphic to the original graph.

                                                                                        Instances For
                                                                                          theorem SimpleGraph.induceUnivIso_apply {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) (self : { x : V // x Set.univ }) :
                                                                                          G.induceUnivIso self = self
                                                                                          def SimpleGraph.overFin {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) [Fintype V] {n : } (hc : Fintype.card V = n) :

                                                                                          Given a graph over a finite vertex type V and a proof hc that Fintype.card V = n, G.overFin n is an isomorphic (as shown in overFinIso) graph over Fin n.

                                                                                          Instances For
                                                                                            noncomputable def SimpleGraph.overFinIso {V : Type u_1} (G : SimpleGraph V) [Fintype V] {n : } (hc : Fintype.card V = n) :
                                                                                            G ≃g G.overFin hc

                                                                                            The isomorphism between G and G.overFin hc.

                                                                                            Instances For