Equivalences and sets #
In this file we provide lemmas linking equivalences to sets.
Some notable definitions are:
: an injective function is (noncomputably) equivalent to its range.Equiv.setCongr
: two equal sets are equivalent as types.Equiv.Set.union
: a disjoint union of sets is equivalent to theirSum
This file is separate from Equiv/Basic
such that we do not require the full lattice structure
on sets before defining what an equivalence is.
A set s
in α × β
is equivalent to the sigma-type Σ x, {y | (x, y) ∈ s}
Instances For
The subtypes corresponding to equal sets are equivalent.
Instances For
univ α
is equivalent to α
- Equiv.Set.univ α = { toFun := Subtype.val, invFun := fun (a : α) => ⟨a, trivial⟩, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If sets s
and t
are separated by a decidable predicate, then s ∪ t
is equivalent to
s ⊕ t
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Instances For
If sets s
and t
are disjoint, then s ∪ t
is equivalent to s ⊕ t
- Equiv.Set.union H = Equiv.Set.union' (fun (x : α) => x ∈ s) ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
A singleton set is equivalent to a PUnit
- Equiv.Set.singleton a = { toFun := fun (x : ↑{a}) => PUnit.unit, invFun := fun (x : PUnit.{?u.30}) => ⟨a, ⋯⟩, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If a ∉ s
, then insert a s
is equivalent to s ⊕ PUnit
- Equiv.Set.insert H = Trans.trans (Trans.trans (Equiv.Set.ofEq ⋯) (Equiv.Set.union ⋯)) ((Equiv.refl ↑s).sumCongr (Equiv.Set.singleton a))
Instances For
If s : Set α
is a set with decidable membership, then s ⊕ sᶜ
is equivalent to α
- Equiv.Set.sumCompl s = Trans.trans (Trans.trans (Equiv.Set.union ⋯).symm (Equiv.Set.ofEq ⋯)) (Equiv.Set.univ α)
Instances For
sumDiffSubset s t
is the natural equivalence between
s ⊕ (t \ s)
and t
, where s
and t
are two sets.
Instances For
If s
is a set with decidable membership, then the sum of s ∪ t
and s ∩ t
is equivalent
to s ⊕ t
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Instances For
Given an equivalence e₀
between sets s : Set α
and t : Set β
, the set of equivalences
e : α ≃ β
such that e ↑x = ↑(e₀ x)
for each x : s
is equivalent to the set of equivalences
between sᶜ
and tᶜ
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Instances For
The set product of two sets is equivalent to the type product of their coercions to types.
Instances For
The set Set.pi Set.univ s
is equivalent to Π a, s a
- Equiv.Set.univPi s = { toFun := fun (f : ↑(Set.univ.pi s)) (a : α) => ⟨↑f a, ⋯⟩, invFun := fun (f : (a : α) → ↑(s a)) => ⟨fun (a : α) => ↑(f a), ⋯⟩, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If a function f
is injective on a set s
, then s
is equivalent to f '' s
- Equiv.Set.imageOfInjOn f s H = { toFun := fun (p : ↑s) => ⟨f ↑p, ⋯⟩, invFun := fun (p : ↑(f '' s)) => ⟨Classical.choose ⋯, ⋯⟩, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If f
is an injective function, then s
is equivalent to f '' s
- Equiv.Set.image f s H = Equiv.Set.imageOfInjOn f s ⋯
Instances For
The set 𝒫 S := {x | x ⊆ S}
is equivalent to the type Set S
- Equiv.Set.powerset S = { toFun := fun (x : ↑(𝒫 S)) => Subtype.val ⁻¹' ↑x, invFun := fun (x : Set ↑S) => ⟨Subtype.val '' x, ⋯⟩, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If s
is a set in range f
then its image under rangeSplitting f
is in bijection (via f
) with s
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Instances For
If f : α → β
has a left-inverse when α
is nonempty, then α
is computably equivalent to the
range of f
While awkward, the Nonempty α
hypothesis on f_inv
and hf
allows this to be used when α
empty too. This hypothesis is absent on analogous definitions on stronger Equiv
s like
and RingEquiv.ofLeftInverse
as their typeclass assumptions
are already sufficient to ensure non-emptiness.
- Equiv.ofLeftInverse f f_inv hf = { toFun := fun (a : α) => ⟨f a, ⋯⟩, invFun := fun (b : ↑(Set.range f)) => f_inv ⋯ ↑b, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If f : α → β
has a left-inverse, then α
is computably equivalent to the range of f
Note that if α
is empty, no such f_inv
exists and so this definition can't be used, unlike
the stronger but less convenient ofLeftInverse
- Equiv.ofLeftInverse' f f_inv hf = Equiv.ofLeftInverse f (fun (x : Nonempty α) => f_inv) ⋯
Instances For
If f : α → β
is an injective function, then domain α
is equivalent to the range of f
- Equiv.ofInjective f hf = Equiv.ofLeftInverse f (fun (x : Nonempty α) => Function.invFun f) ⋯
Instances For
sigmaPreimageEquiv f
for f : α → β
is the natural equivalence between
the type of all preimages of points under f
and the total space α
Instances For
If a function is a bijection between two sets s
and t
, then it induces an
equivalence between the types ↥s
and ↥t
- Set.BijOn.equiv f h = Equiv.ofBijective (Set.MapsTo.restrict f s t ⋯) ⋯
Instances For
The composition of an updated function with an equiv on a subtype can be expressed as an updated function.