Universe lifting for type families #
Some functors such as Option
and List
are universe polymorphic. Unlike
type polymorphism where Option α
is a function application and reasoning and
generalizations that apply to functions can be used, Option.{u}
and Option.{v}
are not one function applied to two universe names but one polymorphic definition
instantiated twice. This means that whatever works on Option.{u}
is hard
to transport over to Option.{v}
. ULiftable
is an attempt at improving the situation.
ULiftable Option.{u} Option.{v}
gives us a generic and composable way to use
in a context that requires Option.{v}
. It is often used in tandem with
but the two are purposefully decoupled.
Main definitions #
Tags #
universe polymorphism functor
Given a universe polymorphic type family M.{u} : Type u₁ → Type u₂
, this class convert between instantiations, from
M.{u} : Type u₁ → Type u₂
to M.{v} : Type v₁ → Type v₂
and back.
is an outParam, because g
can almost always be inferred from the current monad.
At any rate, the lift should be unique, as the intent is to only lift the same constants with
different universe parameters.
Not an instance as it is incompatible with outParam
. In practice it seems not to be needed
- ULiftable.symm f g = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.29} {β : Type ?u.31} (e : α ≃ β) => (ULiftable.congr e.symm).symm }
Instances For
- ULiftable.refl f = { congr := fun {α β : Type ?u.28} (e : α ≃ β) => Functor.mapEquiv f e }
The most common practical use ULiftable
(together with down
), the function up.{v}
x : M.{u} α
and lifts it to M.{max u v} (ULift.{v} α)
Instances For
The most common practical use of ULiftable
(together with up
), the function down.{v}
x : M.{max u v} (ULift.{v} α)
and lowers it to M.{u} α
Instances For
convenient shortcut to avoid manipulating ULift
- ULiftable.adaptUp F G x f = ULiftable.up x >>= f ∘ ULift.down
Instances For
convenient shortcut to avoid manipulating ULift
- ULiftable.adaptDown x f = ULiftable.down (x >>= ULiftable.up ∘ f)
Instances For
map function that moves up universes
- ULiftable.upMap f x = (f ∘ ULift.down) <$> ULiftable.up x
Instances For
- instULiftableId = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.9} {β : Type ?u.8} (F : α ≃ β) => F }
for specific state types, this function helps to create a uliftable instance
- StateT.uliftable' F = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.54} {β : Type ?u.53} (G : α ≃ β) => StateT.equiv (F.piCongr fun (x : s) => ULiftable.congr (G.prodCongr F)) }
Instances For
for specific reader monads, this function helps to create a uliftable instance
- ReaderT.uliftable' F = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.54} {β : Type ?u.53} (G : α ≃ β) => ReaderT.equiv (F.piCongr fun (x : s) => ULiftable.congr G) }
Instances For
for specific continuation passing monads, this function helps to create a uliftable instance
- ContT.uliftable' F = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.50} {β : Type ?u.49} => ContT.equiv (ULiftable.congr F) }
Instances For
for specific writer monads, this function helps to create a uliftable instance
- WriterT.uliftable' F = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.51} {β : Type ?u.50} (G : α ≃ β) => WriterT.equiv (ULiftable.congr (G.prodCongr F)) }
Instances For
- Except.instULiftable = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.19} {β : Type ?u.18} (e : α ≃ β) => { toFun := Except.map ⇑e, invFun := Except.map ⇑e.symm, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ } }
- Option.instULiftable = { congr := fun {α : Type ?u.11} {β : Type ?u.10} (e : α ≃ β) => { toFun := Option.map ⇑e, invFun := Option.map ⇑e.symm, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ } }