

Images of intervals under Nat.cast : ℕ → ℤ #

In this file we prove that the image of each Set.Ixx interval under Nat.cast : ℕ → ℤ is the corresponding interval in .

theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Icc (a : ) (b : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Icc a b = Set.Icc a b
theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Ico (a : ) (b : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Ico a b = Set.Ico a b
theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Ioc (a : ) (b : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Ioc a b = Set.Ioc a b
theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Ioo (a : ) (b : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Ioo a b = Set.Ioo a b
theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Iic (a : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Iic a = Set.Icc 0 a
theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Iio (a : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Iio a = Set.Ico 0 a
theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Ici (a : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Ici a = Set.Ici a
theorem Nat.image_cast_int_Ioi (a : ) :
Nat.cast '' Set.Ioi a = Set.Ioi a