

Factorial with big operators #

This file contains some lemmas on factorials in combination with big operators.

While in terms of semantics they could be in the Basic.lean file, importing Algebra.BigOperators.Group.Finset leads to a cyclic import.

theorem Nat.prod_factorial_pos {α : Type u_1} (s : Finset α) (f : α) :
0 < is, (f i).factorial
theorem Nat.prod_factorial_dvd_factorial_sum {α : Type u_1} (s : Finset α) (f : α) :
is, (f i).factorial (∑ is, f i).factorial
theorem Nat.ascFactorial_eq_prod_range (n k : ) :
n.ascFactorial k = iFinset.range k, (n + i)
theorem Nat.descFactorial_eq_prod_range (n k : ) :
n.descFactorial k = iFinset.range k, (n - i)
theorem Nat.factorial_coe_dvd_prod (k : ) (n : ) :
k.factorial iFinset.range k, (n + i)

k! divides the product of any k consecutive integers.