Extra definitions on Option
This file defines more operations involving Option α
. Lemmas about them are located in other
files under Mathlib.Data.Option
Other basic operations on Option
are defined in the core library.
{F : Type u → Type v}
[Applicative F]
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u}
(f : α → F β)
Traverse an object of Option α
with a function f : α → F β
for an applicative F
- Option.traverse f none = pure none
- Option.traverse f (some x_1) = some <$> f x_1
Instances For
An elimination principle for Option
. It is a nondependent version of Option.rec
- Option.elim' b f (some a) = f a
- Option.elim' b f none = b
Instances For
o = none
is decidable even if the wrapped type does not have decidable equality.
This is not an instance because it is not definitionally equal to Option.decidableEq
Try to use o.isNone
or o.isSome
Instances For
- none.decidableForallMem = isTrue ⋯
- (some x_1).decidableForallMem = if h : p x_1 then isTrue ⋯ else isFalse ⋯