

Prime factors of nonzero naturals #

This file defines the factorization of a nonzero natural number n as a multiset of primes, the multiplicity of p in this factors multiset being the p-adic valuation of n.

Main declarations #

The type of multisets of prime numbers. Unique factorization gives an equivalence between this set and ℕ+, as we will formalize below.

Instances For

    The multiset consisting of a single prime

    Instances For

      We can forget the primality property and regard a multiset of primes as just a multiset of positive integers, or a multiset of natural numbers. In the opposite direction, if we have a multiset of positive integers or natural numbers, together with a proof that all the elements are prime, then we can regard it as a multiset of primes. The next block of results records obvious properties of these coercions.

      Instances For

        PrimeMultiset.coe, the coercion from a multiset of primes to a multiset of naturals, promoted to an AddMonoidHom.

        Instances For

          coePNat, the coercion from a multiset of primes to a multiset of positive naturals, regarded as an AddMonoidHom.

          Instances For

            The product of a PrimeMultiset, as a ℕ+.

            Instances For

              If a Multiset consists only of primes, it can be recast as a PrimeMultiset.

              Instances For
                theorem PrimeMultiset.prod_ofNatMultiset (v : Multiset ) (h : pv, Nat.Prime p) :

                If a Multiset ℕ+ consists only of primes, it can be recast as a PrimeMultiset.

                Instances For
                  def PrimeMultiset.ofNatList (l : List ) (h : pl, Nat.Prime p) :

                  Lists can be coerced to multisets; here we have some results about how this interacts with our constructions on multisets.

                  Instances For
                    theorem PrimeMultiset.prod_ofNatList (l : List ) (h : pl, Nat.Prime p) :
                    (ofNatList l h).prod =
                    def PrimeMultiset.ofPNatList (l : List ℕ+) (h : pl, p.Prime) :

                    If a List ℕ+ consists only of primes, it can be recast as a PrimeMultiset with the coercion from lists to multisets.

                    Instances For
                      theorem PrimeMultiset.prod_ofPNatList (l : List ℕ+) (h : pl, p.Prime) :

                      The product map gives a homomorphism from the additive monoid of multisets to the multiplicative monoid ℕ+.

                      The prime factors of n, regarded as a multiset

                      Instances For

                        The product of the factors is the original number

                        If we start with a multiset of primes, take the product and then factor it, we get back the original multiset.

                        Positive integers biject with multisets of primes.

                        Instances For

                          Factoring gives a homomorphism from the multiplicative monoid ℕ+ to the additive monoid of multisets.

                          Factoring a prime gives the corresponding one-element multiset.

                          We now have four different results that all encode the idea that inequality of multisets corresponds to divisibility of positive integers.

                          The gcd and lcm operations on positive integers correspond to the inf and sup operations on multisets.

                          The number of occurrences of p in the factor multiset of m is the same as the p-adic valuation of m.