Additional theorems and definitions about the Vector
type #
This file introduces the infix notation ::ᵥ
for Vector.cons
If a : α
and l : Vector α n
, then cons a l
, is the vector of length n + 1
whose first element is a and with l as the rest of the list.
- List.Vector.«term_::ᵥ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `List.Vector.«term_::ᵥ_» 67 68 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ::ᵥ ") ( `term 67))
Instances For
- List.Vector.instInhabited = { default := List.Vector.ofFn default }
The empty Vector
is a Subsingleton
The natural equivalence between length-n
vectors and functions from Fin n
- Equiv.vectorEquivFin α n = { toFun := List.Vector.get, invFun := List.Vector.ofFn, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
Construct a Vector β (n + 1)
from a Vector α n
by scanning f : β → α → β
from the "left", that is, from 0 to Fin.last n
, using b : β
as the starting value.
- List.Vector.scanl f b v = ⟨List.scanl f b v.toList, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The recursive step of scanl
splits a vector x ::ᵥ v : Vector α (n + 1)
into the provided starting value b : β
and the recursed scanl
f b x : β
as the starting value.
This lemma is the cons
version of scanl_get
The toList
of a Vector
after a scanl
is the List.scanl
of the toList
of the original Vector
The recursive step of scanl
splits a vector made up of a single element
x ::ᵥ nil : Vector α 1
into a Vector
of the provided starting value b : β
and the mapped f b x : β
as the last value.
For an index i : Fin n
, the nth element of scanl
of a
vector v : Vector α n
at i.succ
, is equal to the application
function f : β → α → β
of the castSucc i
element of
scanl f b v
and get v i
This lemma is the get
version of scanl_cons
Monadic analog of Vector.ofFn
Given a monadic function on Fin n
, return a Vector α n
inside the monad.
- List.Vector.mOfFn x_2 = pure List.Vector.nil
- List.Vector.mOfFn f = do let a ← f 0 let v ← List.Vector.mOfFn fun (i : Fin n) => f i.succ pure (a ::ᵥ v)
Instances For
Apply a monadic function to each component of a vector, returning a vector inside the monad.
- List.Vector.mmap f x_2 = pure List.Vector.nil
- List.Vector.mmap f xs = do let h' ← f xs.head let t' ← List.Vector.mmap f xs.tail pure (h' ::ᵥ t')
Instances For
Define C v
by induction on v : Vector α n
This function has two arguments: nil
handles the base case on C nil
and cons
defines the inductive step using ∀ x : α, C w → C (x ::ᵥ w)
It is used as the default induction principle for the induction
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Define C v w
by induction on a pair of vectors v : Vector α n
and w : Vector β n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Define C u v w
by induction on a triplet of vectors
u : Vector α n
, v : Vector β n
, and w : Vector γ b
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Define motive v
by case-analysis on v : Vector α n
- List.Vector.casesOn v nil cons = v.inductionOn nil fun (x : ℕ) (hd : α) (tl : List.Vector α x) (x_1 : motive tl) => cons hd tl
Instances For
Define motive v₁ v₂
by case-analysis on v₁ : Vector α n
and v₂ : Vector β n
- List.Vector.casesOn₂ v₁ v₂ nil cons = v₁.inductionOn₂ v₂ nil fun (x : ℕ) (x_1 : α) (y : β) (xs : List.Vector α x) (ys : List.Vector β x) (x_2 : motive xs ys) => cons x_1 y xs ys
Instances For
Define motive v₁ v₂ v₃
by case-analysis on v₁ : Vector α n
, v₂ : Vector β n
, and
v₃ : Vector γ n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Cast a vector to an array.
- List.Vector.toArray ⟨xs, property⟩ = cast ⋯ xs.toArray
Instances For
v.insertIdx a i
inserts a
into the vector v
at position i
(and shifting later components to the right).
- List.Vector.insertIdx a i v = ⟨List.insertIdx (↑i) a ↑v, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Alias of List.Vector.insertIdx
v.insertIdx a i
inserts a
into the vector v
at position i
(and shifting later components to the right).
Instances For
Alias of List.Vector.insertIdx_val
Alias of List.Vector.eraseIdx_val
Alias of List.Vector.insertIdx_comm
Apply an applicative function to each component of a vector.
- List.Vector.traverse f ⟨v, Hv⟩ = cast ⋯ (List.Vector.traverseAux✝ f v)