

Examples of W-types #

We take the view of W types as inductive types. Given α : Type and β : α → Type, the W type determined by this data, WType β, is the inductively with constructors from α and arities of each constructor a : α given by β a.

This file contains Nat and List as examples of W types.

Main results #

inductive WType.Natα :

The constructors for the naturals

Instances For

    The arity of the constructors for the naturals, zero takes no arguments, succ takes one

    Instances For

      The isomorphism from the naturals to its corresponding WType

      Instances For

        The isomorphism from the WType of the naturals to the naturals

        Instances For

          The naturals are equivalent to their associated WType

          Instances For

            WType.Natα is equivalent to PUnitPUnit. This is useful when considering the associated polynomial endofunctor.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              inductive WType.Listα (γ : Type u) :

              The constructors for lists. There is "one constructor cons x for each x : γ", since we view List γ as

              | nil : List γ
              | cons x₀ : List γ → List γ
              | cons x₁ : List γ → List γ
              |   ⋮      γ many times
              Instances For
                def WType.Listβ (γ : Type u) :

                The arities of each constructor for lists, nil takes no arguments, cons hd takes one

                Instances For
                  def WType.ofList (γ : Type u) :
                  List γWType (WType.Listβ γ)

                  The isomorphism from lists to the WType construction of lists

                  Instances For
                    def WType.toList (γ : Type u) :
                    WType (WType.Listβ γ)List γ

                    The isomorphism from the WType construction of lists to lists

                    Instances For

                      Lists are equivalent to their associated WType

                      Instances For

                        WType.Listα is equivalent to γ with an extra point. This is useful when considering the associated polynomial endofunctor

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For