

Tower law for purely inseparable extensions #

This file contains results related to Field.finIsepDegree and the tower law.

Main results #

Tags #

separable degree, degree, separable closure, purely inseparable


theorem LinearIndependent.map_of_isPurelyInseparable_of_isSeparable {F : Type u} (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] {ι : Type u_1} {v : ιK} (hsep : ∀ (i : ι), IsSeparable F (v i)) (h : LinearIndependent F v) :

If K / E / F is a field extension tower such that E / F is purely inseparable, if { u_i } is a family of separable elements of K which is F-linearly independent, then it is also E-linearly independent.

If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable and K / E is separable, then the separable degree of K / F is equal to the degree of K / E. It is a special case of Field.lift_sepDegree_mul_lift_sepDegree_of_isAlgebraic, and is an intermediate result used to prove it.

If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is separable, then $[E:F] [K:E]_s = [K:F]_s$. It is a special case of Field.lift_sepDegree_mul_lift_sepDegree_of_isAlgebraic, and is an intermediate result used to prove it.

theorem Field.sepDegree_eq_of_isPurelyInseparable (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (K : Type w) [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [IsPurelyInseparable F E] :

If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then $[K:F]_s = [K:E]_s$. It is a special case of Field.lift_sepDegree_mul_lift_sepDegree_of_isAlgebraic, and is an intermediate result used to prove it.

If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is algebraic, then their separable degrees satisfy the tower law: $[E:F]_s [K:E]_s = [K:F]_s$.

If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then for any subset S of K such that F(S) / F is algebraic, the E(S) / E and F(S) / F have the same separable degree.

If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then for any intermediate field S of K / F such that S / F is algebraic, the E(S) / E and S / F have the same separable degree.

theorem minpoly.map_eq_of_isSeparable_of_isPurelyInseparable {F : Type u} (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {K : Type w} [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] (x : K) (hsep : IsSeparable F x) [IsPurelyInseparable F E] :

If K / E / F is a field extension tower, such that E / F is purely inseparable, then for any element x of K separable over F, it has the same minimal polynomials over F and over E.

If E / F is a purely inseparable field extension, f is a separable irreducible polynomial over F, then it is also irreducible over E.