

Splitting fields #

This file introduces the notion of a splitting field of a polynomial and provides an embedding from a splitting field to any field that splits the polynomial. A polynomial f : K[X] splits over a field extension L of K if it is zero or all of its irreducible factors over L have degree 1. A field extension of K of a polynomial f : K[X] is called a splitting field if it is the smallest field extension of K such that f splits.

Main definitions #

Main statements #

class Polynomial.IsSplittingField (K : Type v) (L : Type w) [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L] (f : Polynomial K) :

Typeclass characterising splitting fields.

Stacks Tag 09HV (Predicate version)

    theorem Polynomial.IsSplittingField.splits {K : Type v} (L : Type w) [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L] (f : Polynomial K) [IsSplittingField K L f] :
    instance {F : Type u} {K : Type v} (L : Type w) [Field K] [Field L] [Field F] [Algebra K L] [Algebra F K] [Algebra F L] [IsScalarTower F K L] (f : Polynomial F) [IsSplittingField F L f] :
    theorem Polynomial.IsSplittingField.mul {F : Type u} {K : Type v} (L : Type w) [Field K] [Field L] [Field F] [Algebra K L] [Algebra F K] [Algebra F L] [IsScalarTower F K L] (f g : Polynomial F) (hf : f 0) (hg : g 0) [IsSplittingField F K f] [IsSplittingField K L ( (algebraMap F K) g)] :
    def Polynomial.IsSplittingField.lift {F : Type u} {K : Type v} (L : Type w) [Field K] [Field L] [Field F] [Algebra K L] [Algebra K F] (f : Polynomial K) [IsSplittingField K L f] (hf : Splits (algebraMap K F) f) :

    Splitting field of f embeds into any field that splits f.

    Instances For
      theorem Polynomial.IsSplittingField.of_algEquiv {F : Type u} {K : Type v} (L : Type w) [Field K] [Field L] [Field F] [Algebra K L] [Algebra K F] (p : Polynomial K) (f : F ≃ₐ[K] L) [IsSplittingField K F p] :
      theorem Polynomial.IsSplittingField.adjoin_rootSet_eq_range {F : Type u} {K : Type v} (L : Type w) [Field K] [Field L] [Field F] [Algebra K L] [Algebra K F] (f : Polynomial K) [IsSplittingField K L f] (i : L →ₐ[K] F) :
      theorem IntermediateField.splits_of_splits {K : Type v} {L : Type w} [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L] {p : Polynomial K} {F : IntermediateField K L} (h : Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap K L) p) (hF : xp.rootSet L, x F) :
      theorem IntermediateField.splits_iff_mem {K : Type v} {L : Type w} [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L] {p : Polynomial K} {F : IntermediateField K L} (h : Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap K L) p) :
      Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap K F) p xp.rootSet L, x F
      theorem IsIntegral.mem_intermediateField_of_minpoly_splits {K : Type v} {L : Type w} [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L] {x : L} (int : IsIntegral K x) {F : IntermediateField K L} (h : Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap K F) (minpoly K x)) :
      x F