functions between manifolds #
We define Cⁿ
functions between manifolds, as functions which are Cⁿ
in charts, and prove
basic properties of these notions. Here, n
can be finite, or ∞
, or ω
Main definitions and statements #
Let M
and M'
be two manifolds, with respect to models with corners I
and I'
. Let
f : M → M'
ContMDiffWithinAt I I' n f s x
states that the functionf
within the sets
around the pointx
.ContMDiffAt I I' n f x
states that the functionf
.ContMDiffOn I I' n f s
states that the functionf
on the sets
ContMDiff I I' n f
states that the functionf
We also give some basic properties of Cⁿ
functions between manifolds, following the API of
functions between vector spaces.
See Basic.lean
for further basic properties of Cⁿ
functions between manifolds,
for the equivalence of manifold-smoothness to usual smoothness,
for smoothness results related to the product of manifolds and
for smoothness of atlas members and local structomorphisms.
Implementation details #
Many properties follow for free from the corresponding properties of functions in vector spaces,
as being Cⁿ
is a local property invariant under the Cⁿ
groupoid. We take advantage of the
general machinery developed in LocalInvariantProperties.lean
to get these properties
automatically. For instance, the fact that being Cⁿ
does not depend on the chart one considers
is given by liftPropWithinAt_indep_chart
For this to work, the definition of ContMDiffWithinAt
and friends has to
follow definitionally the setup of local invariant properties. Still, we recast the definition
in terms of extended charts in contMDiffOn_iff
and contMDiff_iff
Definition of Cⁿ
functions between manifolds #
Property in the model space of a model with corners of being C^n
within at set at a point,
when read in the model vector space. This property will be lifted to manifolds to define C^n
functions between manifolds.
- ContDiffWithinAtProp I I' n f s x = ContDiffWithinAt 𝕜 n (↑I' ∘ f ∘ ↑I.symm) (↑I.symm ⁻¹' s ∩ Set.range ↑I) (↑I x)
Instances For
Being Cⁿ
in the model space is a local property, invariant under Cⁿ
maps. Therefore,
it lifts nicely to manifolds.
Being Cⁿ
in the model space is a local property, invariant under C^n
maps. Therefore,
it lifts nicely to manifolds.
A function is n
times continuously differentiable within a set at a point in a manifold if
it is continuous and it is n
times continuously differentiable in this set around this point, when
read in the preferred chart at this point.
- ContMDiffWithinAt I I' n f s x = ChartedSpace.LiftPropWithinAt (ContDiffWithinAtProp I I' n) f s x
Instances For
Alias of ContMDiffWithinAt
A function is n
times continuously differentiable within a set at a point in a manifold if
it is continuous and it is n
times continuously differentiable in this set around this point, when
read in the preferred chart at this point.
Instances For
A function is n
times continuously differentiable at a point in a manifold if
it is continuous and it is n
times continuously differentiable around this point, when
read in the preferred chart at this point.
- ContMDiffAt I I' n f x = ContMDiffWithinAt I I' n f Set.univ x
Instances For
Alias of ContMDiffAt
A function is n
times continuously differentiable at a point in a manifold if
it is continuous and it is n
times continuously differentiable around this point, when
read in the preferred chart at this point.
Instances For
A function is n
times continuously differentiable in a set of a manifold if it is continuous
and, for any pair of points, it is n
times continuously differentiable on this set in the charts
around these points.
- ContMDiffOn I I' n f s = ∀ x ∈ s, ContMDiffWithinAt I I' n f s x
Instances For
Alias of ContMDiffOn
A function is n
times continuously differentiable in a set of a manifold if it is continuous
and, for any pair of points, it is n
times continuously differentiable on this set in the charts
around these points.
Instances For
A function is n
times continuously differentiable in a manifold if it is continuous
and, for any pair of points, it is n
times continuously differentiable in the charts
around these points.
- ContMDiff I I' n f = ∀ (x : M), ContMDiffAt I I' n f x
Instances For
Alias of ContMDiff
A function is n
times continuously differentiable in a manifold if it is continuous
and, for any pair of points, it is n
times continuously differentiable in the charts
around these points.
Instances For
Deducing smoothness from higher smoothness #
Basic properties of C^n
functions between manifolds #
Alias of ContMDiff.of_le
Alias of ContMDiff.of_le
Alias of ContMDiffOn.of_le
Alias of ContMDiffOn.of_le
Alias of ContMDiffAt.of_le
Alias of ContMDiffOn.of_le
Alias of ContMDiffWithinAt.of_le
Alias of ContMDiffWithinAt.of_le
Alias of ContMDiff.contMDiffAt
Alias of contMDiffWithinAt_univ
Alias of contMDiffOn_univ
One can reformulate being C^n
within a set at a point as continuity within this set at this
point, and being C^n
in the corresponding extended chart.
One can reformulate being Cⁿ
within a set at a point as continuity within this set at this
point, and being Cⁿ
in the corresponding extended chart. This form states regularity of f
written in such a way that the set is restricted to lie within the domain/codomain of the
corresponding charts.
Even though this expression is more complicated than the one in contMDiffWithinAt_iff
, it is
a smaller set, but their germs at extChartAt I x x
are equal. It is sometimes useful to rewrite
using this in the goal.
One can reformulate being Cⁿ
within a set at a point as continuity within this set at this
point, and being Cⁿ
in the corresponding extended chart in the target.
Alias of contMDiffWithinAt_iff
One can reformulate being C^n
within a set at a point as continuity within this set at this
point, and being C^n
in the corresponding extended chart.
Alias of contMDiffWithinAt_iff_target
One can reformulate being Cⁿ
within a set at a point as continuity within this set at this
point, and being Cⁿ
in the corresponding extended chart in the target.
Alias of contMDiffAt_iff_target
One can reformulate being Cⁿ
within a set at a point as being Cⁿ
in the source space when
composing with the extended chart.
One can reformulate being Cⁿ
at a point as being Cⁿ
in the source space when
composing with the extended chart.
An alternative formulation of contMDiffWithinAt_iff_of_mem_maximalAtlas
if the set if s
lies in e.source
One can reformulate being C^n
within a set at a point as continuity within this set at this
point, and being C^n
in any chart containing that point.
If the set where you want f
to be C^n
lies entirely in a single chart, and f
maps it
into a single chart, the fact that f
is C^n
on that set can be expressed by purely looking in
these charts.
Note: this lemma uses extChartAt I x '' s
instead of (extChartAt I x).symm ⁻¹' s
to ensure
that this set lies in (extChartAt I x).target
If the set where you want f
to be C^n
lies entirely in a single chart, and f
maps it
into a single chart, the fact that f
is C^n
on that set can be expressed by purely looking in
these charts.
Note: this lemma uses extChartAt I x '' s
instead of (extChartAt I x).symm ⁻¹' s
to ensure
that this set lies in (extChartAt I x).target
One can reformulate being C^n
on a set as continuity on this set, and being C^n
in any
extended chart.
zero-smoothness on a set is equivalent to continuity on this set.
One can reformulate being C^n
on a set as continuity on this set, and being C^n
in any
extended chart in the target.
Alias of contMDiffOn_iff
One can reformulate being C^n
on a set as continuity on this set, and being C^n
in any
extended chart.
Alias of contMDiffOn_iff_target
One can reformulate being C^n
on a set as continuity on this set, and being C^n
in any
extended chart in the target.
One can reformulate being C^n
as continuity and being C^n
in any extended chart.
One can reformulate being C^n
as continuity and being C^n
in any extended chart in the
Alias of contMDiff_iff
One can reformulate being C^n
as continuity and being C^n
in any extended chart.
Alias of contMDiff_iff_target
One can reformulate being C^n
as continuity and being C^n
in any extended chart in the
zero-smoothness is equivalent to continuity.
functions are C^n
functions are continuous #
functions #
Alias of contMDiffWithinAt_infty
Alias of contMDiffAt_infty
Alias of contMDiffOn_infty
Alias of contMDiff_infty
A function is C^n
within a set at a point iff it is C^m
within this set at this point, for
any m ≤ n
which is different from ∞
. This result is useful because, when m ≠ ∞
, being
extends locally to a neighborhood, giving flexibility for local proofs.
A function is C^n
at a point iff it is C^m
at this point, for
any m ≤ n
which is different from ∞
. This result is useful because, when m ≠ ∞
, being
extends locally to a neighborhood, giving flexibility for local proofs.
Restriction to a smaller set #
Alias of ContMDiffWithinAt.mono_of_mem_nhdsWithin
Alias of contMDiffWithinAt_congr_set
Alias of the forward direction of contMDiffWithinAt_insert_self
Being C^n
in a set only depends on the germ of the set. Version where one only requires
the two sets to coincide locally in the complement of a point y
Alias of ContMDiffAt.contMDiffWithinAt
Alias of ContMDiff.contMDiffOn
Alias of ContMDiffWithinAt.contMDiffAt
Alias of ContMDiffOn.contMDiffAt
A function is C^n
within a set at a point, for n : ℕ
or n = ω
if and only if it is C^n
on a neighborhood of this point.
If a function is C^m
within a set at a point, for some finite m
, then it is C^m
this set on an open set around the basepoint.
If a function is C^m
within a set at a point, for some finite m
, then it is C^m
this set on a neighborhood of the basepoint.
A function is C^n
at a point, for n : ℕ
, if and only if it is C^n
a neighborhood of this point.
Note: This does not hold for n = ∞
. f
being C^∞
at x
means that for every n
, f
on some neighborhood of x
, but this neighborhood can depend on n
Note: This does not hold for n = ∞
. f
being C^∞
at x
means that for every n
, f
on some neighborhood of x
, but this neighborhood can depend on n
Congruence lemmas #
Locality #
Being C^n
is a local property.