Basic lemmas about group extensions #
This file gives basic lemmas about group extensions.
For the main definitions, see Mathlib/GroupTheory/GroupExtension/Defs.lean
The isomorphism E ⧸ S.rightHom.ker ≃* G
induced by S.rightHom
Instances For
The isomorphism E ⧸ S.rightHom.ker ≃+ G
induced by S.rightHom
Instances For
The isomorphism E ⧸ S.inl.range ≃* G
induced by S.rightHom
Instances For
The isomorphism E ⧸ S.inl.range ≃+ G
induced by S.rightHom
Instances For
An arbitrarily chosen section
- S.surjInvRightHom = { toFun := Function.surjInv ⋯, rightInverse_rightHom := ⋯ }
Instances For
An arbitrarily chosen section
- S.surjInvRightHom = { toFun := Function.surjInv ⋯, rightInverse_rightHom := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of an isomorphism between equivalent group extensions and a section
Instances For
The composition of an isomorphism between equivalent additive group extensions and a section
Instances For
An equivalence of group extensions from a homomorphism making a commuting diagram. Such a homomorphism is necessarily an isomorphism.
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Instances For
An equivalence of additive group extensions from a homomorphism making a commuting diagram. Such a homomorphism is necessarily an isomorphism.
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Instances For
A split group extension is equivalent to the extension associated to a semidirect product.
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Instances For
The group associated to a split extension is isomorphic to a semidirect product.
Instances For
The setoid of splittings with N
- GroupExtension.IsConj.setoid S = { r := S.IsConj, iseqv := ⋯ }
Instances For
The setoid of splittings with N
- AddGroupExtension.IsConj.setoid S = { r := S.IsConj, iseqv := ⋯ }
Instances For
The N
-conjugacy classes of splittings
Instances For
The N
-conjugacy classes of splittings