

Defining a group given by generators and relations #

Given a subset rels of relations of the free group on a type α, this file constructs the group given by generators x : α and relations r ∈ rels.

Main definitions #

Tags #

generators, relations, group presentations

def PresentedGroup {α : Type u_1} (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) :
Type u_1

Given a set of relations, rels, over a type α, PresentedGroup constructs the group with generators x : α and relations rels as a quotient of FreeGroup α.

Instances For
    def {α : Type u_1} (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) :

    The canonical map from the free group on α to a presented group with generators x : α, where x is mapped to its equivalence class under the given set of relations rels

    Instances For
      theorem PresentedGroup.mk_surjective {α : Type u_1} (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) :
      def PresentedGroup.of {α : Type u_1} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} (x : α) :

      of is the canonical map from α to a presented group with generators x : α. The term x is mapped to the equivalence class of the image of x in FreeGroup α.

      Instances For
        theorem PresentedGroup.mk_eq_one_iff {α : Type u_1} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} {x : FreeGroup α} :
        (mk rels) x = 1 x Subgroup.normalClosure rels
        theorem PresentedGroup.one_of_mem {α : Type u_1} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} {x : FreeGroup α} (hx : x rels) :
        (mk rels) x = 1
        theorem PresentedGroup.mk_eq_mk_of_mul_inv_mem {α : Type u_1} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} {x y : FreeGroup α} (hx : x * y⁻¹ rels) :
        (mk rels) x = (mk rels) y
        theorem PresentedGroup.mk_eq_mk_of_inv_mul_mem {α : Type u_1} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} {x y : FreeGroup α} (hx : x⁻¹ * y rels) :
        (mk rels) x = (mk rels) y

        The generators of a presented group generate the presented group. That is, the subgroup closure of the set of generators equals .

        theorem PresentedGroup.induction_on {α : Type u_1} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} {C : PresentedGroup relsProp} (x : PresentedGroup rels) (H : ∀ (z : FreeGroup α), C ((mk rels) z)) :
        C x
        theorem PresentedGroup.generated_by {α : Type u_1} (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) (H : Subgroup (PresentedGroup rels)) (h : ∀ (j : α), of j H) (x : PresentedGroup rels) :
        x H
        theorem PresentedGroup.closure_rels_subset_ker {α : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [Group G] {f : αG} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} (h : rrels, (FreeGroup.lift f) r = 1) :
        theorem PresentedGroup.to_group_eq_one_of_mem_closure {α : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [Group G] {f : αG} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} (h : rrels, (FreeGroup.lift f) r = 1) (x : FreeGroup α) :
        def PresentedGroup.toGroup {α : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [Group G] {f : αG} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} (h : rrels, (FreeGroup.lift f) r = 1) :

        The extension of a map f : α → G that satisfies the given relations to a group homomorphism from PresentedGroup rels → G.

        Instances For
          theorem PresentedGroup.toGroup.of {α : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [Group G] {f : αG} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} (h : rrels, (FreeGroup.lift f) r = 1) {x : α} :
          theorem PresentedGroup.toGroup.unique {α : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [Group G] {f : αG} {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} (h : rrels, (FreeGroup.lift f) r = 1) (g : PresentedGroup rels →* G) (hg : ∀ (x : α), g (PresentedGroup.of x) = f x) {x : PresentedGroup rels} :
          g x = (toGroup h) x
          theorem PresentedGroup.ext {α : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [Group G] {rels : Set (FreeGroup α)} {φ ψ : PresentedGroup rels →* G} (hx : ∀ (x : α), φ (of x) = ψ (of x)) :
          φ = ψ
          def PresentedGroup.equivPresentedGroup {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_3} (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) (e : α β) :

          Presented groups of isomorphic types are isomorphic.

          Instances For
            theorem PresentedGroup.equivPresentedGroup_apply_of {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_3} (x : α) (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) (e : α β) :
            (equivPresentedGroup rels e) (of x) = of (e x)
            theorem PresentedGroup.equivPresentedGroup_symm_apply_of {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_3} (x : β) (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) (e : α β) :
            (equivPresentedGroup rels e).symm (of x) = of (e.symm x)
            instance PresentedGroup.instInhabited {α : Type u_1} (rels : Set (FreeGroup α)) :