Lattice structure of subgroups #
We prove subgroups of a group form a complete lattice.
There are also theorems about the subgroups generated by an element or a subset of a group, defined both inductively and as the infimum of the set of subgroups containing a given element/subset.
Special thanks goes to Amelia Livingston and Yury Kudryashov for their help and inspiration.
Main definitions #
Notation used here:
is aGroup
is a set of elements of typeG
Definitions in the file:
CompleteLattice (Subgroup G)
: the subgroups ofG
form a complete latticeSubgroup.closure k
: the minimal subgroup that includes the setk
forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set
Implementation notes #
Subgroup inclusion is denoted ≤
rather than ⊆
, although ∈
is defined as
membership of a subgroup's underlying set.
Tags #
subgroup, subgroups
Conversion to/from Additive
Subgroups of a group G
are isomorphic to additive subgroups of Additive G
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Instances For
Additive subgroup of an additive group Additive G
are isomorphic to subgroup of G
Instances For
Additive subgroups of an additive group A
are isomorphic to subgroups of Multiplicative A
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Instances For
Subgroups of an additive group Multiplicative A
are isomorphic to additive subgroups of A
Instances For
The subgroup G
of the group G
- Subgroup.instTop = { top := let __src := ⊤; { toSubmonoid := __src, inv_mem' := ⋯ } }
The AddSubgroup G
of the AddGroup G
- AddSubgroup.instTop = { top := let __src := ⊤; { toAddSubmonoid := __src, neg_mem' := ⋯ } }
The top subgroup is isomorphic to the group.
This is the group version of Submonoid.topEquiv
Instances For
The top additive subgroup is isomorphic to the additive group.
This is the additive group version of AddSubmonoid.topEquiv
Instances For
The trivial subgroup {1}
of a group G
- Subgroup.instBot = { bot := let __src := ⊥; { toSubmonoid := __src, inv_mem' := ⋯ } }
The trivial AddSubgroup
of an AddGroup
- AddSubgroup.instBot = { bot := let __src := ⊥; { toAddSubmonoid := __src, neg_mem' := ⋯ } }
- Subgroup.instInhabited = { default := ⊥ }
- AddSubgroup.instInhabited = { default := ⊥ }
- Subgroup.instUniqueSubtypeMemBot = { default := 1, uniq := ⋯ }
- AddSubgroup.instUniqueSubtypeMemBot = { default := 0, uniq := ⋯ }
A subgroup is either the trivial subgroup or nontrivial.
A subgroup is either the trivial subgroup or nontrivial.
A subgroup is either the trivial subgroup or contains a nonzero element.
The inf of two subgroups is their intersection.
- Subgroup.instMin = { min := fun (H₁ H₂ : Subgroup G) => let __src := H₁.toSubmonoid ⊓ H₂.toSubmonoid; { toSubmonoid := __src, inv_mem' := ⋯ } }
The inf of two AddSubgroup
s is their intersection.
- AddSubgroup.instMin = { min := fun (H₁ H₂ : AddSubgroup G) => let __src := H₁.toAddSubmonoid ⊓ H₂.toAddSubmonoid; { toAddSubmonoid := __src, neg_mem' := ⋯ } }
- Subgroup.instInfSet = { sInf := fun (s : Set (Subgroup G)) => let __src := (⨅ S ∈ s, S.toSubmonoid).copy (⋂ S ∈ s, ↑S) ⋯; { toSubmonoid := __src, inv_mem' := ⋯ } }
- AddSubgroup.instInfSet = { sInf := fun (s : Set (AddSubgroup G)) => let __src := (⨅ S ∈ s, S.toAddSubmonoid).copy (⋂ S ∈ s, ↑S) ⋯; { toAddSubmonoid := __src, neg_mem' := ⋯ } }
Subgroups of a group form a complete lattice.
- Subgroup.instCompleteLattice = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
The AddSubgroup
s of an AddGroup
form a complete lattice.
- AddSubgroup.instCompleteLattice = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- Subgroup.instUniqueOfSubsingleton = { default := ⊥, uniq := ⋯ }
- AddSubgroup.instUniqueOfSubsingleton = { default := ⊥, uniq := ⋯ }
The AddSubgroup
generated by a set
- AddSubgroup.closure k = sInf {K : AddSubgroup G | k ⊆ ↑K}
Instances For
The AddSubgroup
generated by a set includes the set.
An induction principle for closure membership. If p
holds for 1
and all elements of k
, and
is preserved under multiplication and inverse, then p
holds for all elements of the closure
of k
See also Subgroup.closure_induction_left
and Subgroup.closure_induction_right
for versions that
only require showing p
is preserved by multiplication by elements in k
An induction principle for additive closure membership. If p
holds for 0
and all elements of k
, and is preserved under addition and inverses, then p
holds for all elements of the additive closure of k
See also AddSubgroup.closure_induction_left
and AddSubgroup.closure_induction_left
versions that only require showing p
is preserved by addition by elements in k
Alias of Subgroup.closure_induction
An induction principle for closure membership. If p
holds for 1
and all elements of k
, and
is preserved under multiplication and inverse, then p
holds for all elements of the closure
of k
See also Subgroup.closure_induction_left
and Subgroup.closure_induction_right
for versions that
only require showing p
is preserved by multiplication by elements in k
An induction principle for closure membership for predicates with two arguments.
An induction principle for additive closure membership, for predicates with two arguments.
forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set.
- G = { choice := fun (s : Set G) (x : ↑(Subgroup.closure s) ≤ s) => Subgroup.closure s, gc := ⋯, le_l_u := ⋯, choice_eq := ⋯ }
Instances For
forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set.
- G = { choice := fun (s : Set G) (x : ↑(AddSubgroup.closure s) ≤ s) => AddSubgroup.closure s, gc := ⋯, le_l_u := ⋯, choice_eq := ⋯ }
Instances For
Additive closure of an additive subgroup K
equals K