Bases #
Further results on bases in modules and vector spaces.
maps an ι
-indexed basis for M
and an ι'
-indexed basis for M'
to an ι ⊕ ι'
-index basis for M × M'
For the specific case of R × R
, see also Basis.finTwoProd
Instances For
A linear independent family of vectors spanning the whole module is a basis.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given a basis, the i
th element of the dual basis evaluates to 1 on the i
th element of the
Given a basis, the i
th element of the dual basis evaluates to 0 on the j
th element of the
basis if j ≠ i
Given a basis, the i
th element of the dual basis evaluates to the Kronecker delta on the
th element of the basis.
A linear independent family of vectors is a basis for their span.
- Basis.span hli = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Given a basis v
and a map w
such that for all i
, w i
are elements of a group,
provides the basis corresponding to w • v
Instances For
Any basis is a maximal linear independent set.
Let b
be a basis for a submodule N
of M
. If y : M
is linear independent of N
and y
and N
together span the whole of M
, then there is a basis for M
whose basis vectors are given by Fin.cons y b
- Basis.mkFinCons y b hli hsp = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Let b
be a basis for a submodule N ≤ O
. If y ∈ O
is linear independent of N
and y
and N
together span the whole of O
, then there is a basis for O
whose basis vectors are given by Fin.cons y b
- Basis.mkFinConsOfLE y yO b hNO hli hsp = Basis.mkFinCons ⟨y, yO⟩ ( (Submodule.comapSubtypeEquivOfLe hNO).symm) ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
The basis of R × R
given by the two vectors (1, 0)
and (0, 1)
Instances For
If N
is a submodule with finite rank, do induction on adjoining a linear independent
element to a submodule.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
An element of a non-unital-non-associative algebra is in the center exactly when it commutes with the basis elements.
Let b
be an S
-basis of M
. Let R
be a CommRing such that Algebra R S
has no zero smul
divisors, then the submodule of M
spanned by b
over R
admits b
as an R
- Basis.restrictScalars R b = Basis.span ⋯
Instances For
Let b
be an S
-basis of M
. Then m : M
lies in the R
-module spanned by b
iff all the
coordinates of m
on the basis b
are in R
(see Basis.mem_span
for the case R = S