Type of functions with finite support #
For any type α
and any type M
with zero, we define the type Finsupp α M
(notation: α →₀ M
of finitely supported functions from α
to M
, i.e. the functions which are zero everywhere
on α
except on a finite set.
Functions with finite support are used (at least) in the following parts of the library:
MonoidAlgebra R M
andAddMonoidAlgebra R M
are defined asM →₀ R
;polynomials and multivariate polynomials are defined as
s, hence they useFinsupp
under the hood;the linear combination of a family of vectors
v i
with coefficientsf i
(as used, e.g., to define linearly independent familyLinearIndependent
) is defined as a mapFinsupp.linearCombination : (ι → M) → (ι →₀ R) →ₗ[R] M
Some other constructions are naturally equivalent to α →₀ M
with some α
and M
but are defined
in a different way in the library:
Multiset α ≃+ α →₀ ℕ
;FreeAbelianGroup α ≃+ α →₀ ℤ
Most of the theory assumes that the range is a commutative additive monoid. This gives us the big
sum operator as a powerful way to construct Finsupp
elements, which is defined in
Many constructions based on α →₀ M
are def
s rather than abbrev
s to avoid reusing unwanted type
class instances. E.g., MonoidAlgebra
, AddMonoidAlgebra
, and types based on these two have
non-pointwise multiplication.
Main declarations #
: The type of finitely supported functions fromα
: The restriction of a function to aFinset
as aFinsupp
: Composition of aZeroHom
with aFinsupp
: Maps the domain of aFinsupp
by an embedding.Finsupp.zipWith
: Postcomposition of twoFinsupp
s with a functionf
such thatf 0 0 = 0
Notations #
This file adds α →₀ M
as a global notation for Finsupp α M
We also use the following convention for Type*
variables in this file
: types with no additional structure that appear as the first argument toFinsupp
somewhere in the statement;ι
: an auxiliary index type;M
: types withZero
is also used for a (semi)module over a (semi)ring.G
: groups (commutative or not, multiplicative or additive);R
: (semi)rings.
Implementation notes #
This file is a noncomputable theory
and uses classical logic throughout.
- Expand the list of definitions and important lemmas to the module docstring.
Finsupp α M
, denoted α →₀ M
, is the type of functions f : α → M
such that
f x = 0
for all but finitely many x
- support : Finset α
The support of a finitely supported function (aka
). - toFun : α → M
The underlying function of a bundled finitely supported function (aka
). The witness that the support of a
is indeed the exact locus where its underlying function is nonzero.
Instances For
Finsupp α M
, denoted α →₀ M
, is the type of functions f : α → M
such that
f x = 0
for all but finitely many x
- «term_→₀_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `«term_→₀_» 25 26 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " →₀ ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 25))
Instances For
- Finsupp.instFunLike = { coe := Finsupp.toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
- Finsupp.instZero = { zero := { support := ∅, toFun := 0, mem_support_toFun := ⋯ } }
- Finsupp.instInhabited = { default := 0 }
- f.instDecidableEq g = decidable_of_iff (f.support = g.support ∧ ∀ a ∈ f.support, f a = g a) ⋯
Given Finite α
, equivFunOnFinite
is the Equiv
between α →₀ β
and α → β
(All functions on a finite type are finitely supported.)
- Finsupp.equivFunOnFinite = { toFun := DFunLike.coe, invFun := fun (f : α → M) => { support := ⋯.toFinset, toFun := f, mem_support_toFun := ⋯ }, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If α
has a unique term, the type of finitely supported functions α →₀ β
is equivalent to β
Instances For
Finsupp.onFinset s f hf
is the finsupp function representing f
restricted to the finset s
The function must be 0
outside of s
. Use this when the set needs to be filtered anyways,
otherwise a better set representation is often available.
- Finsupp.onFinset s f hf = { support := {a ∈ s | f a ≠ 0}, toFun := f, mem_support_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The natural Finsupp
induced by the function f
given that it has finite support.
- Finsupp.ofSupportFinite f hf = { support := hf.toFinset, toFun := f, mem_support_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of f : M → N
and g : α →₀ M
is mapRange f hf g : α →₀ N
which is well-defined when f 0 = 0
This preserves the structure on f
, and exists in various bundled forms for when f
is itself
bundled (defined in Data/Finsupp/Basic
- Finsupp.mapRange f hf g = Finsupp.onFinset g.support (f ∘ ⇑g) ⋯
Instances For
of a injective function is injective.
of a surjective function is surjective.
Given f : α ↪ β
and v : α →₀ M
, Finsupp.embDomain f v : β →₀ M
is the finitely supported function whose value at f a : β
is v a
For a b : β
outside the range of f
, it is zero.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given finitely supported functions g₁ : α →₀ M
and g₂ : α →₀ N
and function f : M → N → P
Finsupp.zipWith f hf g₁ g₂
is the finitely supported function α →₀ P
zipWith f hf g₁ g₂ a = f (g₁ a) (g₂ a)
, which is well-defined when f 0 0 = 0
- Finsupp.zipWith f hf g₁ g₂ = Finsupp.onFinset (g₁.support ∪ g₂.support) (fun (a : α) => f (g₁ a) (g₂ a)) ⋯
Instances For
Additive monoid structure on α →₀ M
- Finsupp.instAdd = { add := Finsupp.zipWith (fun (x1 x2 : M) => x1 + x2) ⋯ }
When ι is finite and M is an AddMonoid, then Finsupp.equivFunOnFinite gives an AddEquiv
- Finsupp.addEquivFunOnFinite = { toEquiv := Finsupp.equivFunOnFinite, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
AddEquiv between (ι →₀ M) and M, when ι has a unique element
- AddEquiv.finsuppUnique = { toEquiv := Equiv.finsuppUnique, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Evaluation of a function f : α →₀ M
at a point as an additive monoid homomorphism.
See Finsupp.lapply
in LinearAlgebra/Finsupp
for the stronger version as a linear map.
- Finsupp.applyAddHom a = { toFun := fun (g : α →₀ M) => g a, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Coercion from a Finsupp
to a function type is an AddMonoidHom
- Finsupp.coeFnAddHom = { toFun := DFunLike.coe, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Bundle Finsupp.embDomain f
as an additive map from α →₀ M
to β →₀ M
- Finsupp.embDomain.addMonoidHom f = { toFun := fun (v : α →₀ M) => Finsupp.embDomain f v, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Note the general SMul
instance for Finsupp
doesn't apply as ℕ
is not distributive
unless β i
's addition is commutative.
- Finsupp.instNatSMul = { smul := fun (n : ℕ) (v : α →₀ M) => Finsupp.mapRange (fun (x : M) => n • x) ⋯ v }
- Finsupp.instAddMonoid = AddMonoid.mk ⋯ ⋯ (fun (n : ℕ) (x : α →₀ M) => n • x) ⋯ ⋯
- Finsupp.instNeg = { neg := Finsupp.mapRange Neg.neg ⋯ }
- Finsupp.instSub = { sub := Finsupp.zipWith Sub.sub ⋯ }
Note the general SMul
instance for Finsupp
doesn't apply as ℤ
is not distributive
unless β i
's addition is commutative.
- Finsupp.instIntSMul = { smul := fun (n : ℤ) (v : α →₀ G) => Finsupp.mapRange (fun (x : G) => n • x) ⋯ v }