Bases and matrices #
This file defines the map Basis.toMatrix
that sends a family of vectors to
the matrix of their coordinates with respect to some basis.
Main definitions #
Basis.toMatrix e v
is the matrix whosei, j
th entry ise.repr (v j) i
bundled as a linear equiv
Main results #
:LinearMap.toMatrix b c id
is equal toBasis.toMatrix b c
: multiplyingBasis.toMatrix
with anotherBasis.toMatrix
gives aBasis.toMatrix
Tags #
matrix, basis
From a basis e : ι → M
and a family of vectors v : ι' → M
, make the matrix whose columns
are the vectors v i
written in the basis e
Instances For
The basis constructed by unitsSMul
has vectors given by a diagonal matrix.
The basis constructed by isUnitSMul
has vectors given by a diagonal matrix.
From a basis e : ι → M
, build a linear equivalence between families of vectors v : ι → M
and matrices, making the matrix whose columns are the vectors v i
written in the basis e
- e.toMatrixEquiv = { toFun := e.toMatrix, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, invFun := fun (m : Matrix ι ι R) (j : ι) => ∑ i : ι, m i j • e i, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
A generalization of LinearMap.toMatrix_id
See also Basis.toMatrix_reindex
which gives the simp
normal form of this result.
A generalization of Basis.toMatrix_self
, in the opposite direction.
A matrix whose columns form a basis b'
, expressed w.r.t. a basis b
, is invertible.
- b.invertibleToMatrix b' = { invOf := b'.toMatrix ⇑b, invOf_mul_self := ⋯, mul_invOf_self := ⋯ }