The minimal polynomial divides the characteristic polynomial of a matrix. #
This also includes some miscellaneous results about minpoly
on matrices.
{R : Type u}
[CommRing R]
{n : Type v}
[DecidableEq n]
[Fintype n]
(M : Matrix n n R)
IsIntegral R M
{R : Type u}
[CommRing R]
{S : Type u_1}
[Ring S]
[Algebra R S]
(h : PowerBasis R S)
The characteristic polynomial of the map fun x => a * x
is the minimal polynomial of a
In combination with det_eq_sign_charpoly_coeff
or trace_eq_neg_charpoly_coeff
and a bit of rewriting, this will allow us to conclude the
field norm resp. trace of x
is the product resp. sum of x
's conjugates.