Characteristic polynomials and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem #
We define characteristic polynomials of matrices and prove the Cayley–Hamilton theorem over arbitrary commutative rings.
See the file Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/Charpoly/Coeff.lean
for corollaries of this theorem.
Main definitions #
is the characteristic polynomial of a matrix.
Implementation details #
We follow a nice proof from
The "characteristic matrix" of M : Matrix n n R
is the matrix of polynomials $t I - M$.
The determinant of this matrix is the characteristic polynomial.
Instances For
Alias of the forward direction of Matrix.charmatrix_blockTriangular_iff
Alias of the reverse direction of Matrix.charmatrix_blockTriangular_iff
The characteristic polynomial of a matrix M
is given by $\det (t I - M)$.
- M.charpoly = M.charmatrix.det
Instances For
The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, that the characteristic polynomial of a matrix, applied to the matrix itself, is zero.
This holds over any commutative ring.
See LinearMap.aeval_self_charpoly
for the equivalent statement about endomorphisms.