

Riesz–Markov–Kakutani representation theorem #

This file will prove the Riesz-Markov-Kakutani representation theorem on a locally compact T2 space X. As a special case, the statements about linear functionals on bounded continuous functions follows.

To make use of the existing API, the measure is constructed from a content λ on the compact subsets of a locally compact space X, rather than the usual construction of open sets in the literature.

References #

Construction of the content: #

Given a positive linear functional Λ on continuous compactly supported functions on X with values in ℝ≥0, for K ⊆ X compact define λ(K) = inf {Λf | 1≤f on K}. When X is a locally compact T2 space, this will be shown to be a content, and will be shown to agree with the Riesz measure on the compact subsets K ⊆ X.

Instances For

    For any compact subset K ⊆ X, there exist some compactly supported continuous nonnegative functions f on X such that f ≥ 1 on K.

    Riesz content λ (associated with a positive linear functional Λ) is monotone: if K₁ ⊆ K₂ are compact subsets in X, then λ(K₁) ≤ λ(K₂).

    Any compactly supported continuous nonnegative f such that f ≥ 1 on K gives an upper bound on the content of K; namely λ(K) ≤ Λ f.

    The Riesz content can be approximated arbitrarily well by evaluating the positive linear functional on test functions: for any ε > 0, there exists a compactly supported continuous nonnegative function f on X such that f ≥ 1 on K and such that λ(K) ≤ Λ f < λ(K) + ε.

    The Riesz content λ associated to a given positive linear functional Λ is finitely subadditive: λ(K₁ ∪ K₂) ≤ λ(K₁) + λ(K₂) for any compact subsets K₁, K₂ ⊆ X.

    theorem exists_continuous_add_one_of_isCompact_nnreal {X : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace X] [T2Space X] [LocallyCompactSpace X] {s₀ s₁ t : Set X} (s₀_compact : IsCompact s₀) (s₁_compact : IsCompact s₁) (t_compact : IsCompact t) (disj : Disjoint s₀ s₁) (hst : s₀ s₁ t) :
    ∃ (f₀ : CompactlySupportedContinuousMap X NNReal) (f₁ : CompactlySupportedContinuousMap X NNReal), Set.EqOn (⇑f₀) 1 s₀ Set.EqOn (⇑f₁) 1 s₁ Set.EqOn (⇑(f₀ + f₁)) 1 t

    The content induced by the linear functional Λ.

    Instances For

      rieszContent gives a Content from Λ : C_c(X, ℝ≥0) →ₗ[ℝ≥0] ℝ≥0. Here rieszContent Λ is promoted to a measure. It will be later shown that ∫ (x : X), f x ∂(rieszMeasure Λ hΛ) = Λ f for all f : C_c(X, ℝ≥0).

      Instances For