

Siegel's Lemma #

In this file we introduce and prove Siegel's Lemma in its most basic version. This is a fundamental tool in diophantine approximation and transcendency and says that there exists a "small" integral non-zero solution of a non-trivial underdetermined system of linear equations with integer coefficients.

Main results #

Notation #

References #

See [M. Hindry and J. Silverman, Diophantine Geometry: an Introduction][hindrysilverman00].

theorem Int.Matrix.one_le_norm_A_of_ne_zero (m : ) (n : ) (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) ) (hA : A 0) :

The sup norm of a non-zero integer matrix is at lest one

theorem Int.Matrix.exists_ne_zero_int_vec_norm_le (m : ) (n : ) (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) ) (hn : m < n) (hm : 0 < m) (hA_nezero : A 0) :
∃ (t : Fin n), t 0 A.mulVec t = 0 t (n * A) ^ (m / (n - m))