

Geometric distributions over ℕ #

Define the geometric measure over the natural numbers

Main definitions #

noncomputable def ProbabilityTheory.geometricPMFReal (p : ) (n : ) :

The pmf of the geometric distribution depending on its success probability.

Instances For
    theorem ProbabilityTheory.geometricPMFRealSum {p : } (hp_pos : 0 < p) (hp_le_one : p 1) :
    HasSum (fun (n : ) => geometricPMFReal p n) 1
    theorem ProbabilityTheory.geometricPMFReal_pos {p : } {n : } (hp_pos : 0 < p) (hp_lt_one : p < 1) :

    The geometric pmf is positive for all natural numbers

    theorem ProbabilityTheory.geometricPMFReal_nonneg {p : } {n : } (hp_pos : 0 < p) (hp_le_one : p 1) :
    noncomputable def ProbabilityTheory.geometricPMF {p : } (hp_pos : 0 < p) (hp_le_one : p 1) :

    Geometric distribution with success probability p.

    Instances For

      The geometric pmf is measurable.

      noncomputable def ProbabilityTheory.geometricMeasure {p : } (hp_pos : 0 < p) (hp_le_one : p 1) :

      Measure defined by the geometric distribution

      Instances For