Cyclotomic polynomials and expand
. #
We gather results relating cyclotomic polynomials and expand
Main results #
: Ifp
is a prime such that¬ p ∣ n
, thenexpand R p (cyclotomic n R) = (cyclotomic (n * p) R) * (cyclotomic n R)
: Ifp
is a prime such thatp ∣ n
, thenexpand R p (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (p * n) R
: IfR
is of characteristicp
and¬p ∣ n
, thencyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ (p - 1)
: IfR
is of characteristicp
andp ∣ n
, thencyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ p
: IfR
is of characteristicp
and¬p ∣ m
, thencyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R = (cyclotomic m R) ^ (p ^ k - p ^ (k - 1))
{p n : ℕ}
(hp : Nat.Prime p)
(hdiv : ¬p ∣ n)
(R : Type u_1)
[CommRing R]
(expand R p) (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (n * p) R * cyclotomic n R
If p
is a prime such that ¬ p ∣ n
, then
expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = (cyclotomic (n * p) R) * (cyclotomic n R)
{p n : ℕ}
(hp : Nat.Prime p)
(hdiv : p ∣ n)
(R : Type u_1)
[CommRing R]
(expand R p) (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (n * p) R
If p
is a prime such that p ∣ n
, then
expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (p * n) R
{p : ℕ}
(hp : Nat.Prime p)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
[IsDomain R]
{n m : ℕ}
(hmn : m ≤ n)
(h : Irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ n) R))
Irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ m) R)
If the p ^ n
th cyclotomic polynomial is irreducible, so is the p ^ m
th, for m ≤ n
{p : ℕ}
(hp : Nat.Prime p)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
[IsDomain R]
{n : ℕ}
(hn : n ≠ 0)
(h : Irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ n) R))
Irreducible (cyclotomic p R)
If Irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ n) R)
then Irreducible (cyclotomic p R).
(R : Type u_1)
{p n : ℕ}
[hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)]
[Ring R]
[CharP R p]
(hn : p ∣ n)
cyclotomic (n * p) R = cyclotomic n R ^ p
If R
is of characteristic p
and p ∣ n
, then
cyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ p
{m k p : ℕ}
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
[IsDomain R]
[hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)]
[hchar : CharP R p]
{μ : R}
[NeZero ↑m]
(cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R).IsRoot μ ↔ IsPrimitiveRoot μ m
If R
is of characteristic p
and ¬p ∣ m
, then ζ
is a root of cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R
if and only if it is a primitive m
-th root of unity.