

Integral elements over the ring of integers of a valuation #

The ring of integers is integrally closed inside the original ring.

theorem Valuation.Integers.mem_of_integral {R : Type u} {Γ₀ : Type v} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero Γ₀] {v : Valuation R Γ₀} {O : Type w} [CommRing O] [Algebra O R] (hv : v.Integers O) {x : R} (hx : IsIntegral O x) :
theorem Valuation.Integers.integralClosure {R : Type u} {Γ₀ : Type v} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero Γ₀] {v : Valuation R Γ₀} {O : Type w} [CommRing O] [Algebra O R] (hv : v.Integers O) :
theorem Valuation.Integers.integrallyClosed {K : Type u} {Γ₀ : Type v} [Field K] [LinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero Γ₀] {v : Valuation K Γ₀} {O : Type w} [CommRing O] [Algebra O K] [IsFractionRing O K] (hv : v.Integers O) :