Fraction ring / fraction field Frac(R) as localization #
Main definitions #
IsFractionRing R K
expresses thatK
is a field of fractions ofR
, as an abbreviation ofIsLocalization (NonZeroDivisors R) K
Main results #
: a definition (not an instance) stating the localization of an integral domainR
atR \ {0}
is a fieldRat.isFractionRing
is an instance statingℚ
is the field of fractions ofℤ
Implementation notes #
See Mathlib/RingTheory/Localization/Basic.lean
for a design overview.
Tags #
localization, ring localization, commutative ring localization, characteristic predicate, commutative ring, field of fractions
IsFractionRing R K
states K
is the ring of fractions of a commutative ring R
- IsFractionRing R K = IsLocalization (nonZeroDivisors R) K
Instances For
The inverse of an element in the field of fractions of an integral domain.
- IsFractionRing.inv A z = if h : z = 0 then 0 else' K ↑(IsLocalization.sec (nonZeroDivisors A) z).2 ⟨(IsLocalization.sec (nonZeroDivisors A) z).1, ⋯⟩
Instances For
A CommRing
which is the localization of an integral domain R
at R - {0}
is a field.
See note [reducible non-instances].
Instances For
If A
is a commutative ring with fraction field K
, then the subfield of K
generated by
the image of algebraMap A K
is equal to the whole field K
If A
is a commutative ring with fraction field K
, L
is a field, g : A →+* L
lifts to
f : K →+* L
, then the image of f
is the subfield generated by the image of g
If A
is a commutative ring with fraction field K
, L
is a field, g : A →+* L
lifts to
f : K →+* L
, s
is a set such that the image of g
is the subring generated by s
then the image of f
is the subfield generated by s
Given a commutative ring A
with field of fractions K
and an injective ring hom g : A →+* L
where L
is a field, we get a
field hom sending z : K
to g x * (g y)⁻¹
, where (x, y) : A × (NonZeroDivisors A)
such that z = f x * (f y)⁻¹
Instances For
Another version of unique to give two lift maps should be equal
version of IsFractionRing.lift
Instances For
Given a commutative ring A
with field of fractions K
and an injective ring hom g : A →+* L
where L
is a field,
the field hom induced from K
to L
maps x
to g x
for all
x : A
The image of IsFractionRing.lift
is the subfield generated by the image
of the ring hom.
The image of IsFractionRing.lift
is the subfield generated by s
, if the image
of the ring hom is the subring generated by s
Given a commutative ring A
with field of fractions K
and an injective ring hom g : A →+* L
where L
is a field,
field hom induced from K
to L
maps f x / f y
to g x / g y
for all
x : A, y ∈ NonZeroDivisors A
Given commutative rings A, B
where B
is an integral domain, with fraction rings K
, L
and an injective ring hom j : A →+* B
, we get a ring hom
sending z : K
to g (j x) * (g (j y))⁻¹
, where (x, y) : A × (NonZeroDivisors A)
such that z = f x * (f y)⁻¹
- hj = L j ⋯
Instances For
Given rings A, B
and localization maps to their fraction rings
f : A →+* K, g : B →+* L
, an isomorphism h : A ≃+* B
induces an isomorphism of
fraction rings K ≃+* L
Instances For
Alias of IsFractionRing.ringEquivOfRingEquiv
Given rings A, B
and localization maps to their fraction rings
f : A →+* K, g : B →+* L
, an isomorphism h : A ≃+* B
induces an isomorphism of
fraction rings K ≃+* L
Instances For
Given R
-algebras A, B
and localization maps to their fraction rings
f : A →ₐ[R] K, g : B →ₐ[R] L
, an isomorphism h : A ≃ₐ[R] B
induces an isomorphism of
fraction rings K ≃ₐ[R] L
Instances For
An algebra isomorphism of rings induces an algebra isomorphism of fraction fields.
- IsFractionRing.fieldEquivOfAlgEquiv FA FB FC f = { toEquiv := (IsFractionRing.ringEquivOfRingEquiv f.toRingEquiv).toEquiv, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
This says that fieldEquivOfAlgEquiv f
is an extension of f
(i.e., it agrees with f
). Whereas (fieldEquivOfAlgEquiv f).commutes
says that fieldEquivOfAlgEquiv f
fixes K
An algebra automorphism of a ring induces an algebra automorphism of its fraction field.
This is a bundled version of fieldEquivOfAlgEquiv
- IsFractionRing.fieldEquivOfAlgEquivHom K L = { toFun := IsFractionRing.fieldEquivOfAlgEquiv K L L, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Alias of FaithfulSMul.of_field_isFractionRing
The fraction ring of a commutative ring R
as a quotient type.
We instantiate this definition as generally as possible, and assume that the
commutative ring R
is an integral domain only when this is needed for proving.
In this generality, this construction is also known as the total fraction ring of R
Instances For
Porting note: if the fields of this instance are explicitly defined as they were in mathlib3, the last instance in this file suffers a TC timeout
This is not an instance because it creates a diamond when K = FractionRing R
Should usually be introduced locally along with isScalarTower_liftAlgebra
See note [reducible non-instances].
Instances For
Given a ring A
and a localization map to a fraction ring
f : A →+* K
, we get an A
-isomorphism between the fraction ring of A
as a quotient
type and K