Towers of algebras #
In this file we prove basic facts about towers of algebra.
An algebra tower A/S/R is expressed by having instances of Algebra A S
Algebra R S
, Algebra R A
and IsScalarTower R S A
, the later asserting the
compatibility condition (r • s) • a = r • (s • a)
An important definition is toAlgHom R S A
, the canonical R
-algebra homomorphism S →ₐ[R] A
The R
-algebra morphism A → End (M)
corresponding to the representation of the algebra A
on the B
-module M
This is a stronger version of DistribMulAction.toLinearMap
, and could also have been
called Algebra.toModuleEnd
The typeclasses correspond to the situation where the types act on each other as
R ----→ B
| ⟍ |
| ⟍ |
↓ ↘ ↓
A ----→ M
where the diagram commutes, the action by R
commutes with everything, and the action by A
on M
Typically this is most useful with B = R
as Algebra.lsmul R R A : A →ₐ[R] Module.End R M
However this can be used to get the fact that left-multiplication by A
is right A
-linear, and
vice versa, as
example : A →ₐ[R] Module.End Aᵐᵒᵖ A := Algebra.lsmul R Aᵐᵒᵖ A
example : Aᵐᵒᵖ →ₐ[R] Module.End A A := Algebra.lsmul R A A
respectively; though LinearMap.mulLeft
and LinearMap.mulRight
can also be used here.
- Algebra.lsmul R B M = { toFun := DistribMulAction.toLinearMap B M, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
See note [partially-applied ext lemmas].
In a tower, the canonical map from the middle element to the top element is an algebra homomorphism over the bottom element.
- IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R S A = { toRingHom := algebraMap S A, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
R ⟶ S induces S-Alg ⥤ R-Alg
- AlgHom.restrictScalars R f = { toRingHom := ↑f, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
R ⟶ S induces S-Alg ⥤ R-Alg
- AlgEquiv.restrictScalars R f = { toEquiv := (↑f).toEquiv, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If A
is an R
-algebra such that the induced morphism R →+* A
is surjective, then the
-module generated by a set X
equals the A
-module generated by X
A variant of Submodule.span_image
for algebraMap