Localizations of commutative rings #
This file contains various basic results on localizations.
We characterize the localization of a commutative ring R
at a submonoid M
up to
isomorphism; that is, a commutative ring S
is the localization of R
at M
iff we can find a
ring homomorphism f : R →+* S
satisfying 3 properties:
- For all
y ∈ M
,f y
is a unit; - For all
z : S
, there exists(x, y) : R × M
such thatz * f y = f x
; - For all
x, y : R
such thatf x = f y
, there existsc ∈ M
such thatx * c = y * c
. (The converse is a consequence of 1.)
In the following, let R, P
be commutative rings, S, Q
be R
- and P
and M, T
be submonoids of R
and P
respectively, e.g.:
variable (R S P Q : Type*) [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [CommRing P] [CommRing Q]
variable [Algebra R S] [Algebra P Q] (M : Submonoid R) (T : Submonoid P)
Main definitions #
: ifQ
is another localization ofR
, thenS
are isomorphic asR
Implementation notes #
In maths it is natural to reason up to isomorphism, but in Lean we cannot naturally rewrite
structure with an isomorphic one; one way around this is to isolate a predicate characterizing
a structure up to isomorphism, and reason about things that satisfy the predicate.
A previous version of this file used a fully bundled type of ring localization maps,
then used a type synonym f.codomain
for f : LocalizationMap M S
to instantiate the
-algebra structure on S
. This results in defining ad-hoc copies for everything already
defined on S
. By making IsLocalization
a predicate on the algebraMap R S
we can ensure the localization map commutes nicely with other algebraMap
To prove most lemmas about a localization map algebraMap R S
in this file we invoke the
corresponding proof for the underlying CommMonoid
localization map
IsLocalization.toLocalizationMap M S
, which can be found in GroupTheory.MonoidLocalization
and the namespace Submonoid.LocalizationMap
To reason about the localization as a quotient type, use mk_eq_of_mk'
and associated lemmas.
These show the quotient map mk : R → M → Localization M
equals the surjection
induced by the map algebraMap : R →+* Localization M
The lemma mk_eq_of_mk'
hence gives you access to the results in the rest of the file,
which are about the LocalizationMap.mk'
induced by any localization map.
The proof that "a CommRing
which is the localization of an integral domain R
at R \ {0}
is a field" is a def
rather than an instance
, so if you want to reason about a field of
fractions K
, assume [Field K]
instead of just [CommRing K]
Tags #
localization, ring localization, commutative ring localization, characteristic predicate, commutative ring, field of fractions
applied to a projection homomorphism from a product ring.
Instances For
If S
, Q
are localizations of R
at the submonoid M
there is an isomorphism of localizations S ≃ₐ[R] Q
- IsLocalization.algEquiv M S Q = { toEquiv := (IsLocalization.ringEquivOfRingEquiv S Q (RingEquiv.refl R) ⋯).toEquiv, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
version of IsLocalization.lift
- IsLocalization.liftAlgHom hf = { toRingHom := IsLocalization.lift hf, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If S
, Q
are localizations of R
and P
at submonoids M
, T
an isomorphism h : R ≃ₐ[A] P
such that h(M) = T
induces an isomorphism of localizations
S ≃ₐ[A] Q
- IsLocalization.algEquivOfAlgEquiv S Q h H = { toEquiv := (IsLocalization.ringEquivOfRingEquiv S Q h.toRingEquiv H).toEquiv, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The localization at a module of units is isomorphic to the ring.
- IsLocalization.atUnits R M H = AlgEquiv.ofBijective (Algebra.ofId R S) ⋯
Instances For
If an algebra is simultaneously localizations for two submonoids, then an arbitrary algebra is a localization of one submonoid iff it is a localization of the other.
If S₁
is the localization of R
at M₁
and S₂
is the localization of
at M₂
, then every localization T
of S₂
at M₁
is also a localization of
at M₂
, in other words M₁⁻¹M₂⁻¹R
can be identified with M₂⁻¹M₁⁻¹R
The localization of R
at M
as a quotient type is isomorphic to any other localization.
- Localization.algEquiv M S = IsLocalization.algEquiv M (Localization M) S
Instances For
The localization of a singleton is a singleton. Cannot be an instance due to metavariables.
- IsLocalization.unique R Rₘ M = ⋯.unique
Instances For
If R
is a field, then localizing at a submonoid not containing 0
adds no new elements.
If R
is a field, then localizing at a submonoid not containing 0
adds no new elements.
Definition of the natural algebra induced by the localization of an algebra.
Given an algebra R → S
, a submonoid R
of M
, and a localization Rₘ
for M
let Sₘ
be the localization of S
to the image of M
under algebraMap R S
Then this is the natural algebra structure on Rₘ → Sₘ
, such that the entire square commutes,
where localization_map.map_comp
gives the commutativity of the underlying maps.
This instance can be helpful if you define Sₘ := Localization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S M)
however we will instead use the hypotheses [Algebra Rₘ Sₘ] [IsScalarTower R Rₘ Sₘ]
in lemmas
since the algebra structure may arise in different ways.
- localizationAlgebra M S = (IsLocalization.map Sₘ (algebraMap R S) ⋯).toAlgebra
Instances For
If the square below commutes, the bottom map is uniquely specified:
R → S
↓ ↓
Rₘ → Sₘ
If the square below commutes, the bottom map is uniquely specified:
R → S
↓ ↓
Rₘ → Sₘ
Injectivity of the underlying algebraMap
descends to the algebra induced by localization.