Process when an new equation is added to a congruence closure #
Update the acTodo
field of the state.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Read the todo
field of the state.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.getTodo = do let __do_lift ← get pure __do_lift.todo
Instances For
Read the acTodo
field of the state.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.getACTodo = do let __do_lift ← get pure __do_lift.acTodo
Instances For
Add a new entry to the end of the todo list.
See also pushEq
, pushHEq
and pushReflEq
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.pushTodo lhs rhs H heqProof = Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.modifyTodo fun (todo : Array Mathlib.Tactic.CC.TodoEntry) => todo.push (lhs, rhs, H, heqProof)
Instances For
Add the equality proof H : lhs = rhs
to the end of the todo list.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.pushEq lhs rhs H = Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.pushTodo lhs rhs H false
Instances For
Add the heterogeneous equality proof H : HEq lhs rhs
to the end of the todo list.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.pushHEq lhs rhs H = Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.pushTodo lhs rhs H true
Instances For
Record the instance e
and add it to the set of known defeq instances.
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Instances For
Return the CongruencesKey
associated with an expression of the form f a
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.mkCongruencesKey e = failure
Instances For
Return the SymmCongruencesKey
associated with the equality lhs = rhs
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Auxiliary function for comparing lhs₁ ~ rhs₁
and lhs₂ ~ rhs₂
when ~
is symmetric/commutative.
It returns true
(equal) for a ~ b
b ~ a
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given k₁ := (R₁ lhs₁ rhs₁, `R₁)
and k₂ := (R₂ lhs₂ rhs₂, `R₂)
, return true
R₁ lhs₁ rhs₁
is equivalent to R₂ lhs₂ rhs₂
modulo the symmetry of R₁
and R₂
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If the congruence table (congruences
field) has congruent expression to e
, add the
equality to the todo list. If not, add e
to the congruence table.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If the symm congruence table (symmCongruences
field) has congruent expression to e
, add the
equality to the todo list. If not, add e
to the symm congruence table.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given subsingleton elements a
and b
which are not necessarily of the same type, if the
types of a
and b
are equivalent, add the (heterogeneous) equality proof between a
and b
the todo list.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given the equivalent expressions oldRoot
and newRoot
the root of oldRoot
, if oldRoot
has root representative of subsingletons, try to push the equality proof
between their root representatives to the todo list, or update the root representative to
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Remove fn
and expressions whose type isn't def-eq to fn
's type out from lambdas
return the remaining lambdas applied to the reversed arguments.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Trace the state of AC module.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Insert or erase lhs
to the occurrences of arguments of e
on an equality in acR
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertEraseROccs (↑e_2) lhs inLHS isInsert = Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertEraseROcc e_2 lhs inLHS isInsert
Instances For
Insert lhs
to the occurrences of arguments of e
on an equality in acR
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertROccs e lhs inLHS = Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertEraseROccs e lhs inLHS true
Instances For
Erase lhs
to the occurrences of arguments of e
on an equality in acR
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.eraseROccs e lhs inLHS = Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertEraseROccs e lhs inLHS false
Instances For
Insert lhs
to the occurrences on an equality in acR
corresponding to the equality
lhs := rhs
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertRBHSOccs lhs rhs = do Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertROccs lhs lhs true Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.insertROccs rhs lhs false
Instances For
Erase lhs
to the occurrences on an equality in acR
corresponding to the equality
lhs := rhs
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.eraseRBHSOccs lhs rhs = do Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.eraseROccs lhs lhs true Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.eraseROccs rhs lhs false
Instances For
Insert lhs
to the occurrences of arguments of e
on the right hand side of
an equality in acR
Instances For
Erase lhs
to the occurrences of arguments of e
on the right hand side of
an equality in acR
Instances For
Try to simplify the right hand sides of equalities in acR
by H : lhs = rhs
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Try to simplify the left hand sides of equalities in acR
by H : lhs = rhs
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given ra := a*r
sb := b*s
ts := t*s
tr := t*r
tsEqa : t*s = a
trEqb : t*r = b
return a proof for ra = sb
We use a*b
to denote an AC application. That is, (a*b)*(c*a)
is the term a*a*b*c
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.mkACSuperposeProof ra sb a b r s ts (Mathlib.Tactic.CC.ACApps.apps op args) tsEqa trEqb = failure
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.mkACSuperposeProof ra sb a b r s ts tr tsEqa trEqb = failure
Instances For
Given tsEqa : ts = a
, for each equality trEqb : tr = b
in acR
the intersection t
of ts
and tr
is nonempty, let ts = t*s
and tr := t*r
, add a new
equality r*a = s*b
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.superposeAC ts a tsEqa = pure PUnit.unit
Instances For
Process the tasks in the acTodo
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given AC variables e₁
and e₂
which are in the same equivalence class, add the proof of
e₁ = e₂
to the AC module.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If the root expression of e
is AC variable, add equality to AC module. If not, register the
AC variable to the root entry.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If e
isn't an AC variable, set e
as an new AC variable.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If e
is of the form op e₁ e₂
where op
is an associative and commutative binary operator,
return the canonical form of op
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.isAC e = pure none
Instances For
Internalize e
so that the AC module can deal with the given expression.
If the expression does not contain an AC operator, or the parent expression
is already processed by internalizeAC
, this operation does nothing.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The specialized internalizeCore
for applications or literals.
Propagate equality from a
and b
to a ↔ b
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Instances For
Propagate equality from a
and b
to a ∧ b
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Propagate equality from a
and b
to a ∨ b
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Propagate equality from a
to ¬a
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Propagate equality from a
and b
to a → b
Propagate equality from p
, a
and b
to if p then a else b
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.propagateIteUp e = failure
Instances For
Propagate equality from a
and b
to disprove a = b
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Propagate equality from subexpressions of e
to e
This method is invoked during internalization and eagerly apply basic equivalences for term e
In principle, we could mark theorems such as cast_eq
as simplification rules, but this created
problems with the builtin support for cast-introduction in the ematching module in Lean 3.
TODO: check if this is now possible in Lean 4.
Eagerly merging the equivalence classes is also more efficient.
If e
is a subsingleton element, push the equality proof between e
and its canonical form
to the todo list or register e
as the canonical form of itself.
Can we propagate equality from subexpressions of e
to e
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.mayPropagate e = (e.isAppOfArity `Iff 2 || e.isAppOfArity `And 2 || e.isAppOfArity `Or 2 || e.isAppOfArity `Not 1 || e.isArrow || e.isIte)
Instances For
Remove parents of e
from the congruence table and the symm congruence table, and append
parents to propagate equality, to parentsToPropagate
Returns the new value of parentsToPropagate
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The fields target
and proof
in e
's entry are encoding a transitivity proof
Let e.rootTarget
and e.rootProof
denote these fields.
e = e.rootTarget := e.rootProof
_ = e.rootTarget.rootTarget := e.rootTarget.rootProof
_ = e.root := ...
The transitivity proof eventually reaches the root of the equivalence class.
This method "inverts" the proof. That is, the target
goes from e.root
to e after
we execute it.
Reinsert parents of e
to the congruence table and the symm congruence table.
Together with removeParents
, this allows modifying parents of an expression.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Check for integrity of the CCStructure
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.checkInvariant = do let __do_lift ← get guard (__do_lift.checkInvariant = true)
Instances For
For each fnRoot
in fnRoots
traverse its parents, and look for a parent prefix that is
in the same equivalence class of the given lambdas.
remark All expressions in lambdas are in the same equivalence class
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given c
a constructor application, if p
is a projection application (not .proj _ _ _
, but
.app (.const projName _) _
) such that major premise is
equal to c
, then propagate new equality.
Example: if p
is of the form b.fst
, c
is of the form (x, y)
, and b = c
, we add the
equality (x, y).fst = x
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given a new equality e₁ = e₂
, where e₁
and e₂
are constructor applications.
Implement the following implications:
c a₁ ... aₙ = c b₁ ... bₙ => a₁ = b₁, ..., aₙ = bₙ
c₁ ... = c₂ ... => False
where c
, c₁
and c₂
are constructors
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Instances For
Derive contradiction if we can get equality between different values.
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Instances For
Propagate equality from ¬a
to a
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Instances For
Propagate equality from ¬∃ x, p x
to ∀ x, ¬p x
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Propagate equality from e
to subexpressions of e
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Performs one step in the process when the new equation is added.
Here, H
contains the proof that e₁ = e₂
(if heqProof
is false)
or HEq e₁ e₂
(if heqProof
is true).
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The auxiliary definition for addEqvStep
to flip the input.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Process the tasks in the todo
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Internalize e
so that the congruence closure can deal with the given expression.
Instances For
Add H : lhs = rhs
or H : HEq lhs rhs
to the congruence closure. Don't forget to internalize
and rhs
- Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.addEqvCore lhs rhs H heqProof = do Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.pushTodo lhs rhs (↑H) heqProof Mathlib.Tactic.CC.CCM.processTodo
Instances For
Add proof : type
to the congruence closure.