

Datatypes for the Simplex Algorithm implementation #

Specification for matrix types over ℚ which can be used in the Gauss Elimination and the Simplex Algorithm. It was introduced to unify dense matrices and sparse matrices.

  • getElem : {n m : Nat} → α n mNatNatRat

    Returns mat[i, j].

  • setElem : {n m : Nat} → α n mNatNatRatα n m

    Sets mat[i, j].

  • getValues : {n m : Nat} → α n mList (Nat × Nat × Rat)

    Returns the list of elements of mat in the form (i, j, mat[i, j]).

  • ofValues : {n m : Nat} → List (Nat × Nat × Rat)α n m

    Creates a matrix from a list of elements in the form (i, j, mat[i, j]).

  • swapRows : {n m : Nat} → α n mNatNatα n m

    Swaps two rows.

  • subtractRow : {n m : Nat} → α n mNatNatRatα n m

    Subtracts i-th row multiplied by coef from j-th row.

  • divideRow : {n m : Nat} → α n mNatRatα n m

    Divides the i-th row by coef.

    instance Linarith.SimplexAlgorithm.instGetElemProdNatRatAndLtFstSndOfUsableInSimplexAlgorithm (n : Nat) (m : Nat) (matType : NatNatType) [Linarith.SimplexAlgorithm.UsableInSimplexAlgorithm matType] :
    GetElem (matType n m) (Nat × Nat) Rat fun (x : matType n m) (p : Nat × Nat) => p.fst < n p.snd < m
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

    Structure for matrices over ℚ.

    So far it is just a 2d-array carrying dimensions (that are supposed to match with the actual dimensions of data), but the plan is to add some Prop-data and make the structure strict and safe.

    Note: we avoid using the Matrix from Mathlib.Data.Matrix because it is far more efficient to store matrix as its entries than as function between Fin-s.

    Instances For

      Structure for sparse matrices over ℚ, implemented as an array of hashmaps, containing only nonzero values.

      Instances For

        Tableau is a structure the Simplex Algorithm operates on. The i-th row of mat expresses the variable basic[i] as a linear combination of variables from free.

        • basic : Array Nat

          Array containing the basic variables' indexes

        • free : Array Nat

          Array containing the free variables' indexes

        • mat : matType self.basic.size

          Matrix of coefficients the basic variables expressed through the free ones.

        Instances For