

Extending cones in LightProfinite #

Let (Sₙ)_{n : ℕᵒᵖ} be a sequential inverse system of finite sets and let S be its limit in Profinite. Let G be a functor from LightProfinite to a category C and suppose that G preserves the limit described above. Suppose further that the projection maps S ⟶ Sₙ are epimorphic for all n. Then G.obj S is isomorphic to a limit indexed by StructuredArrow S toLightProfinite (see LightProfinite.Extend.isLimitCone).

We also provide the dual result for a functor of the form G : LightProfiniteᵒᵖ ⥤ C.

We apply this to define LightProfinite.diagram', LightProfinite.asLimitCone', and LightProfinite.asLimit', analogues to their unprimed versions in Mathlib.Topology.Category.LightProfinite.AsLimit, in which the indexing category is StructuredArrow S toLightProfinite instead of ℕᵒᵖ.

Given a sequential cone in LightProfinite consisting of finite sets, we obtain a functor from the indexing category to StructuredArrow toLightProfinite.

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Instances For

    Given a functor G from LightProfinite and S : LightProfinite, we obtain a cone on (StructuredArrow.proj S toLightProfinite ⋙ toLightProfinite ⋙ G) with cone point G.obj S.

    Whiskering this cone with LightProfinite.Extend.functor c gives G.mapCone c as we check in the example below.

    Instances For

      Given a functor G from LightProfiniteᵒᵖ and S : LightProfinite, we obtain a cocone on (CostructuredArrow.proj toLightProfinite.op ⟨S⟩ ⋙ toLightProfinite.op ⋙ G) with cocone point G.obj ⟨S⟩.

      Whiskering this cocone with LightProfinite.Extend.functorOp c gives G.mapCocone c.op as we check in the example below.

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      Instances For

        If c is a limit cone, G.mapCocone c.op is a colimit cone and the projection maps in c are epimorphic, then cocone G is a colimit cone.

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        Instances For

          A bundled version of S.asLimitCone' and S.asLimit'.

          Instances For