Cofiltered limits in the category of topological spaces #
Given a compatible collection of topological bases for the factors in a cofiltered limit
which contain Set.univ
and are closed under intersections, the induced naive collection
of sets in the limit is, in fact, a topological basis.
{J : Type v}
[CategoryTheory.SmallCategory J]
[CategoryTheory.IsCofiltered J]
(F : CategoryTheory.Functor J TopCat)
(C : CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone F)
(hC : CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit C)
(T : (j : J) → Set (Set ↑(F.obj j)))
(hT : ∀ (j : J), TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis (T j))
(univ : ∀ (i : J), Set.univ ∈ T i)
(inter : ∀ (i : J) (U1 U2 : Set ↑(F.obj i)), U1 ∈ T i → U2 ∈ T i → U1 ∩ U2 ∈ T i)
(compat : ∀ (i j : J) (f : i ⟶ j), ∀ V ∈ T j, ⇑( f) ⁻¹' V ∈ T i)
TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis {U : Set ↑ | ∃ (j : J), ∃ V ∈ T j, U = ⇑(C.π.app j) ⁻¹' V}
Given a compatible collection of topological bases for the factors in a cofiltered limit
which contain Set.univ
and are closed under intersections, the induced naive collection
of sets in the limit is, in fact, a topological basis.