Continuous bundled maps on intervals #
In this file we prove a few results about ContinuousMap
when the domain is an interval.
The embedding into an interval from a sub-interval lying on the left, as a ContinuousMap
Instances For
The embedding into an interval from a sub-interval lying on the right, as a ContinuousMap
Instances For
The map projIcc
from α
onto an interval in α
, as a ContinuousMap
- ContinuousMap.projIccCM = { toFun := Set.projIcc a b ⋯, continuous_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The extension operation from continuous maps on an interval to continuous maps on the whole
type, as a ContinuousMap
- ContinuousMap.IccExtendCM = { toFun := fun (f : C(↑(Set.Icc a b), E)) => f.comp ContinuousMap.projIccCM, continuous_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The concatenation of two continuous maps defined on adjacent intervals. If the values of the
functions on the common bound do not agree, this is defined as an arbitrarily chosen constant
map. See concatCM
for the corresponding map on the subtype of compatible function pairs.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The concatenation of compatible pairs of continuous maps on adjacent intervals, defined as a
on a subtype of the product.