

The sheaf condition in terms of unique gluings #

We provide an alternative formulation of the sheaf condition in terms of unique gluings.

We work with sheaves valued in a concrete category C admitting all limits, whose forgetful functor C ⥤ Type preserves limits and reflects isomorphisms. The usual categories of algebraic structures, such as MonCat, AddCommGrp, RingCat, CommRingCat etc. are all examples of this kind of category.

A presheaf F : Presheaf C X satisfies the sheaf condition if and only if, for every compatible family of sections sf : Π i : ι, F.obj (op (U i)), there exists a unique gluing s : F.obj (op (iSup U)).

Here, the family sf is called compatible, if for all i j : ι, the restrictions of sf i and sf j to U i ⊓ U j agree. A section s : F.obj (op (iSup U)) is a gluing for the family sf, if s restricts to sf i on U i for all i : ι

We show that the sheaf condition in terms of unique gluings is equivalent to the definition in terms of pairwise intersections. Our approach is as follows: First, we show them to be equivalent for Type-valued presheaves. Then we use that composing a presheaf with a limit-preserving and isomorphism-reflecting functor leaves the sheaf condition invariant, as shown in Mathlib/Topology/Sheaves/Forget.lean.

def TopCat.Presheaf.IsCompatible {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] [CategoryTheory.HasForget C] {X : TopCat} (F : Presheaf C X) {ι : Type x} (U : ιTopologicalSpace.Opens X) (sf : (i : ι) → (CategoryTheory.forget C).obj (F.obj (Opposite.op (U i)))) :

A family of sections sf is compatible, if the restrictions of sf i and sf j to U i ⊓ U j agree, for all i and j

Instances For

    A section s is a gluing for a family of sections sf if it restricts to sf i on U i, for all i

    Instances For

      The sheaf condition in terms of unique gluings. A presheaf F : Presheaf C X satisfies this sheaf condition if and only if, for every compatible family of sections sf : Π i : ι, F.obj (op (U i)), there exists a unique gluing s : F.obj (op (iSup U)).

      We prove this to be equivalent to the usual one below in TopCat.Presheaf.isSheaf_iff_isSheafUniqueGluing

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      Instances For
        def TopCat.Presheaf.objPairwiseOfFamily {X : TopCat} {F : Presheaf (Type u) X} {ι : Type x} {U : ιTopologicalSpace.Opens X} (sf : (i : ι) → F.obj (Opposite.op (U i))) (i : (CategoryTheory.Pairwise ι)ᵒᵖ) :

        Given sections over a family of open sets, extend it to include sections over pairwise intersections of the open sets.

        Instances For

          Given a compatible family of sections over open sets, extend it to a section of the functor (Pairwise.diagram U).op ⋙ F.

          Instances For

            For type-valued presheaves, the sheaf condition in terms of unique gluings is equivalent to the usual sheaf condition.

            The usual sheaf condition can be obtained from the sheaf condition in terms of unique gluings.

            For presheaves valued in a concrete category, whose forgetful functor reflects isomorphisms and preserves limits, the sheaf condition in terms of unique gluings is equivalent to the usual one.

            In this version of the lemma, the inclusion homs iUV can be specified directly by the user, which can be more convenient in practice.

            In this version of the lemma, the inclusion homs iUV can be specified directly by the user, which can be more convenient in practice.

            theorem TopCat.Sheaf.eq_of_locally_eq₂ {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] [CategoryTheory.HasForget C] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasLimits C] [CategoryTheory.HasForget.forget.ReflectsIsomorphisms] [CategoryTheory.Limits.PreservesLimits CategoryTheory.HasForget.forget] {X : TopCat} (F : Sheaf C X) {U₁ U₂ V : TopologicalSpace.Opens X} (i₁ : U₁ V) (i₂ : U₂ V) (hcover : V U₁ U₂) (s t : (CategoryTheory.forget C).obj (F.val.obj (Opposite.op V))) (h₁ : ( i₁.op) s = ( i₁.op) t) (h₂ : ( i₂.op) s = ( i₂.op) t) :
            s = t