This module contains the verification of the bitblaster for BitVec.sub
from Impl.Operations.Sub
{α : Type}
[Hashable α]
[DecidableEq α]
{w : Nat}
(aig : Sat.AIG α)
(lhs rhs : BitVec w)
(assign : α → Bool)
(input : aig.BinaryRefVec w)
(hleft : ∀ (idx : Nat) (hidx : idx < w), ⟦assign, { aig := aig, ref := input.lhs.get idx hidx }⟧ = lhs.getLsbD idx)
(hright : ∀ (idx : Nat) (hidx : idx < w), ⟦assign, { aig := aig, ref := input.rhs.get idx hidx }⟧ = rhs.getLsbD idx)
(idx : Nat)
(hidx : idx < w)