

Trees #

In this file, we define the types of trees of a given type τ. For each type index α, an α-tree of τ is a function from α-extended type indices to τ. This will be used to define structural permutations (along with many more gadgets).

If τ has a group structure, the α-trees of τ can also be given a group structure by "branchwise" multiplication.

Main declarations #

def ConNF.Tree [ConNF.Params] (τ : Type u) (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

For each type index α, an α-tree of τ is a function from α-extended type indices to τ.

Instances For

    The equivalence between τ and Tree τ ⊥.

    Instances For

      The equivalence between Tree τ ⊥ and τ.

      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_symm [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} :
        ConNF.Tree.toBot.symm = ConNF.Tree.ofBot
        theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_symm [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} :
        ConNF.Tree.ofBot.symm = ConNF.Tree.toBot
        theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_ofBot [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} (a : ConNF.Tree τ ) :
        ConNF.Tree.toBot (ConNF.Tree.ofBot a) = a
        theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_toBot [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} (a : τ) :
        ConNF.Tree.ofBot (ConNF.Tree.toBot a) = a
        theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_inj [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {a : τ} {b : τ} :
        ConNF.Tree.toBot a = ConNF.Tree.toBot b a = b
        theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_inj [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {a : ConNF.Tree τ } {b : ConNF.Tree τ } :
        ConNF.Tree.ofBot a = ConNF.Tree.ofBot b a = b
        theorem ConNF.Tree.ext [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (b : ConNF.Tree τ α) (h : ∀ (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex α), a A = b A) :
        a = b
        instance [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

        The group structure on the type of α-trees of τ is given by "branchwise" multiplication, given by

        theorem ConNF.Tree.one_apply [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex α) :
        1 A = 1
        theorem ConNF.Tree.mul_apply [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (a' : ConNF.Tree τ α) (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex α) :
        (a * a') A = a A * a' A
        theorem ConNF.Tree.inv_apply [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex α) :
        a⁻¹ A = (a A)⁻¹

        The group isomorphism between τ and Tree ⊥ τ.

        • ConNF.Tree.toBotIso = let __spread.0 := ConNF.Tree.toBot; { toEquiv := __spread.0, map_mul' := }
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.Tree.coe_toBotIso [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] :
          ConNF.Tree.toBotIso = ConNF.Tree.toBot
          theorem ConNF.Tree.coe_toBotIso_symm [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] :
          ConNF.Tree.toBotIso.symm = ConNF.Tree.ofBot
          theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_one [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] :
          ConNF.Tree.toBot 1 = 1
          theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_one [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] :
          ConNF.Tree.ofBot 1 = 1
          theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_mul [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] (a : τ) (a' : τ) :
          ConNF.Tree.toBot (a * a') = ConNF.Tree.toBot a * ConNF.Tree.toBot a'
          theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_mul [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] (a : ConNF.Tree τ ) (a' : ConNF.Tree τ ) :
          ConNF.Tree.ofBot (a * a') = ConNF.Tree.ofBot a * ConNF.Tree.ofBot a'
          theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_inv [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] (a : τ) :
          ConNF.Tree.toBot a⁻¹ = (ConNF.Tree.toBot a)⁻¹
          theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_inv [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] (a : ConNF.Tree τ ) :
          ConNF.Tree.ofBot a⁻¹ = (ConNF.Tree.ofBot a)⁻¹
          theorem Quiver.Hom.comp_toPath {V : Type u_1} [Quiver V] {a : V} {b : V} {c : V} {p : Quiver.Path a b} {e : b c} :
          p.comp e.toPath = p.cons e
          theorem Quiver.Hom.comp_toPath_comp {V : Type u_1} [Quiver V] {a : V} {b : V} {c : V} {d : V} {p : Quiver.Path a b} {e : b c} {q : Quiver.Path c d} :
          p.comp (e.toPath.comp q) = (p.cons e).comp q
          def ConNF.Tree.comp [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} (A : Quiver.Path α β) (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) :

          The derivative functor. For a path from α to β, this is a map from α-trees of τ to β-trees of τ.

          This is a functor from the category of type indices where the morphisms are the decreasing paths (i.e. the category where morphisms are elements of Path α β for α, β : TypeIndex) to the category of all trees of a fixed type τ, where the morphisms are functions.

          If τ has a group structure, this map preserves multiplication. This means that we can treat this as a functor to the category of all trees on τ where the morphisms are group homomorphisms.

          Instances For
            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_def [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} (A : Quiver.Path α β) (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) :
            ConNF.Tree.comp A a = fun (B : Quiver.Path β ) => a (A.comp B)
            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_apply [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (A : Quiver.Path α β) (B : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) :
            ConNF.Tree.comp A a B = a (A.comp B)

            Evaluating the derivative of a structural group element along a path is the same as evaluating the original element along the composition of the paths.

            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_nil [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) :
            ConNF.Tree.comp Quiver.Path.nil a = a

            The derivative along the empty path does nothing.

            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_cons [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (p : Quiver.Path α β) {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} (h : γ < β) :
            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_comp [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (p : Quiver.Path α β) (q : Quiver.Path β γ) :

            The derivative map is functorial.

            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_one [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} (A : Quiver.Path α β) :

            The derivative map preserves the identity.

            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_mul [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a₁ : ConNF.Tree τ α) (a₂ : ConNF.Tree τ α) (A : Quiver.Path α β) :
            ConNF.Tree.comp A (a₁ * a₂) = ConNF.Tree.comp A a₁ * ConNF.Tree.comp A a₂

            The derivative map preserves multiplication.

            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_inv [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (A : Quiver.Path α β) :

            The derivative map preserves inverses.

            theorem ConNF.Tree.comp_bot [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (a : ConNF.Tree τ α) (A : Quiver.Path α ) :
            ConNF.Tree.comp A a = ConNF.Tree.toBot (a A)

            -trees on τ can act on everything that τ can.

            • ConNF.Tree.instMulActionBotTypeIndex = MulAction.compHom X ConNF.Tree.toBotIso.symm.toMonoidHom
            theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_smul [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction τ X] (a : τ) (x : X) :
            ConNF.Tree.toBot a x = a x
            theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_smul [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction τ X] (a : ConNF.Tree τ ) (x : X) :
            ConNF.Tree.ofBot a x = a x
            theorem ConNF.Tree.toBot_inv_smul [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction τ X] (a : τ) (x : X) :
            (ConNF.Tree.toBot a)⁻¹ x = a⁻¹ x
            theorem ConNF.Tree.ofBot_inv_smul [ConNF.Params] {τ : Type u} [Group τ] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction τ X] (a : ConNF.Tree τ ) (x : X) :
            (ConNF.Tree.ofBot a)⁻¹ x = a⁻¹ x