This webpage is about Lean 3, which is effectively obsolete; the community has migrated to Lean 4.
Continuous integration
In charge of Azure, bors administration, continuous integration virtual machines root access, GitHub actions on various projects of the Lean user community.

Bryan Gin-ge Chen
Bryan is a data-scientist in Dayton (USA). He did a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics at University of Pennsylvania. He has been formalizing mathematics and helping with the community infrastructure since 2018.

Eric Wieser
Eric is a PhD student at the University of Cambridge (UK). He has been formalizing mathematics since 2020, and maintaining open source software since 2017.

Gabriel Ebner
Gabriel is an engineer at Microsoft Research (USA). He did a PhD in computational proof theory at TU Wien (Austria). He developed the current parallel compilation infrastructure and interactive editor integration for Lean, and has been formalizing mathematics since 2016.

Johan Commelin
Johan is a post-doc at Universität Freiburg (Germany). He did a PhD in algebraic geometry in Nijmegen. He has been formalizing mathematics since 2018.

Wojciech Nawrocki
Wojciech is a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University (USA). He has been contributing to open source software since 2016.