Extra: Options
Options are a way to communicate some special configuration to both
your meta programs and the Lean compiler itself. Basically it's just
a KVMap
which is a simple map from Name
to a Lean.DataValue
. Right now there
are 6 kinds of data values:
Setting an option to tell the Lean compiler to do something different
with your program is quite simple with the set_option
import Lean
open Lean
#check 1 + 1 -- 1 + 1 : Nat
set_option pp.explicit true -- No custom syntax in pretty printing
#check 1 + 1 -- @HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd Nat instAddNat) 1 1 : Nat
set_option pp.explicit false
You can furthermore limit an option value to just the next command or term:
set_option pp.explicit true in
#check 1 + 1 -- @HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd Nat instAddNat) 1 1 : Nat
#check 1 + 1 -- 1 + 1 : Nat
#check set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true in 1 + 1 -- the trace of the type class synthesis for `OfNat` and `HAdd`
If you want to know which options are available out of the Box right now
you can simply write out the set_option
command and move your cursor
to where the name is written, it should give you a list of them as auto
completion suggestions. The most useful group of options when you are
debugging some meta thing is the trace.
Options in meta programming
Now that we know how to set options, let's take a look at how a meta program
can get access to them. The most common way to do this is via the MonadOptions
type class, an extension to Monad
that provides a function getOptions : m Options
As of now, it is implemented by:
- all monads to which you can lift operations of one of the above (e.g.
Once we have an Options
object, we can query the information via Option.get
To show this, let's write a command that prints the value of pp.explicit
elab "#getPPExplicit" : command => do
let opts ← getOptions
logInfo s!"pp.explicit : {pp.explicit.get opts}"
#getPPExplicit -- pp.explicit : false
set_option pp.explicit true in
#getPPExplicit -- pp.explicit : true
Note that the real implementation of getting pp.explicit
, Lean.getPPExplicit
uses whether pp.all
is set as a default value instead.
Making our own
Declaring our own option is quite easy as well. The Lean compiler provides
a macro register_option
for this. Let's see it in action:
register_option book.myGreeting : String := {
defValue := "Hello World"
group := "pp"
descr := "just a friendly greeting"
However, we cannot just use an option that we just declared in the same file it was declared in because of initialization restrictions.