import Lean
open Lean Elab Command Term Meta
elab n:term "♥" a:"♥"? b:"♥"? : term => do
let nExpr : Expr ← elabTermEnsuringType n (mkConst `Nat)
if let some a := a then
if let some b := b then
return ( (Expr.const `Nat.add []) nExpr) (mkNatLit 3)
return ( (Expr.const `Nat.add []) nExpr) (mkNatLit 2)
return ( (Expr.const `Nat.add []) nExpr) (mkNatLit 1)
#eval 7 ♥ -- 8
#eval 7 ♥♥ -- 9
#eval 7 ♥♥♥ -- 10
-- a) using `syntax` + `@[command_elab alias] def elabOurAlias : CommandElab`
syntax (name := aliasA) (docComment)? "aliasA " ident " ← " ident* : command
@[command_elab «aliasA»]
def elabOurAlias : CommandElab := λ stx =>
match stx with
| `(aliasA $x:ident ← $ys:ident*) =>
for y in ys do
Lean.logInfo y
| _ =>
aliasA hi.hello ← d.d w.w nnn
-- b) using `syntax` + `elab_rules`.
syntax (name := aliasB) (docComment)? "aliasB " ident " ← " ident* : command
elab_rules : command
| `(command | aliasB $m:ident ← $ys:ident*) =>
for y in ys do
Lean.logInfo y
aliasB hi.hello ← d.d w.w nnn
-- c) using `elab`
elab "aliasC " x:ident " ← " ys:ident* : command =>
for y in ys do
Lean.logInfo y
aliasC hi.hello ← d.d w.w nnn
open Parser.Tactic
-- a) using `syntax` + `@[tactic nthRewrite] def elabNthRewrite : Lean.Elab.Tactic.Tactic`.
syntax (name := nthRewriteA) "nth_rewriteA " (config)? num rwRuleSeq (ppSpace location)? : tactic
@[tactic nthRewriteA] def elabNthRewrite : Lean.Elab.Tactic.Tactic := fun stx => do
match stx with
| `(tactic| nth_rewriteA $[$cfg]? $n $rules $_loc) =>
Lean.logInfo "rewrite location!"
| `(tactic| nth_rewriteA $[$cfg]? $n $rules) =>
Lean.logInfo "rewrite target!"
| _ =>
-- b) using `syntax` + `elab_rules`.
syntax (name := nthRewriteB) "nth_rewriteB " (config)? num rwRuleSeq (ppSpace location)? : tactic
elab_rules (kind := nthRewriteB) : tactic
| `(tactic| nth_rewriteB $[$cfg]? $n $rules $_loc) =>
Lean.logInfo "rewrite location!"
| `(tactic| nth_rewriteB $[$cfg]? $n $rules) =>
Lean.logInfo "rewrite target!"
-- c) using `elab`.
elab "nth_rewriteC " (config)? num rwRuleSeq loc:(ppSpace location)? : tactic =>
if let some loc := loc then
Lean.logInfo "rewrite location!"
Lean.logInfo "rewrite target!"
example : 2 + 2 = 4 := by
nth_rewriteC 2 [← add_zero] at h
nth_rewriteC 2 [← add_zero]