Extra: Pretty Printing

The pretty printer is what Lean uses to present terms that have been elaborated to the user. This is done by converting the Exprs back into Syntax and then even higher level pretty printing datastructures. This means Lean does not actually recall the Syntax it used to create some Expr: there has to be code that tells it how to do that. In the big picture, the pretty printer consists of three parts run in the order they are listed in:

  • the delaborator this will be our main interest since we can easily extend it with our own code. Its job is to turn Expr back into Syntax.
  • the parenthesizer responsible for adding parenthesis into the Syntax tree, where it thinks they would be useful
  • the formatter responsible for turning the parenthesized Syntax tree into a Format object that contains more pretty printing information like explicit whitespaces


As its name suggests, the delaborator is in a sense the opposite of the elaborator. The job of the delaborator is to take an Expr produced by the elaborator and turn it back into a Syntax which, if elaborated, should produce an Expr that behaves equally to the input one.

Delaborators have the type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab. This is an alias for DelabM Syntax, where DelabM is the delaboration monad. All of this machinery is defined here. DelabM provides us with quite a lot of options you can look up in the documentation (TODO: Docs link). We will merely highlight the most relevant parts here.

  • It has a MonadQuotation instance which allows us to declare Syntax objects using the familiar quotation syntax.
  • It can run MetaM code.
  • It has a MonadExcept instance for throwing errors.
  • It can interact with pp options using functions like whenPPOption.
  • You can obtain the current subexpression using SubExpr.getExpr. There is also an entire API defined around this concept in the SubExpr module.

Making our own

Like so many things in metaprogramming the elaborator is based on an attribute, in this case the delab one. delab expects a Name as an argument, this name has to start with the name of an Expr constructor, most commonly const or app. This constructor name is then followed by the name of the constant we want to delaborate. For example, if we want to delaborate a function foo in a special way we would use app.foo. Let's see this in action:

import Lean

open Lean PrettyPrinter Delaborator SubExpr

def foo : Nat → Nat := fun x => 42

@[delab app.foo]
def delabFoo : Delab := do

#check (foo) -- 1 : Nat → Nat
#check foo 13 -- 1 : Nat, full applications are also pretty printed this way

This is obviously not a good delaborator since reelaborating this Syntax will not yield the same Expr. Like with many other metaprogramming attributes we can also overload delaborators:

@[delab app.foo]
def delabfoo2 : Delab := do

#check (foo) -- 2 : Nat → Nat

The mechanism for figuring out which one to use is the same as well. The delaborators are tried in order, in reverse order of registering, until one does not throw an error, indicating that it "feels unresponsible for the Expr". In the case of delaborators, this is done using failure:

@[delab app.foo]
def delabfoo3 : Delab := do

#check (foo) -- 2 : Nat → Nat, still 2 since 3 failed

In order to write a proper delaborator for foo, we will have to use some slightly more advanced machinery though:

@[delab app.foo]
def delabfooFinal : Delab := do
  let e ← getExpr
  guard $ e.isAppOfArity' `foo 1 -- only delab full applications this way
  let fn := mkIdent `fooSpecial
  let arg ← withAppArg delab
  `($fn $arg)

#check foo 42 -- fooSpecial 42 : Nat
#check (foo) -- 2 : Nat → Nat, still 2 since 3 failed

Can you extend delabFooFinal to also account for non full applications?


While delaborators are obviously quite powerful it is quite often not necessary to use them. If you look in the Lean compiler for @[delab or rather @[builtin_delab (a special version of the delab attribute for compiler use, we don't care about it), you will see there are quite few occurrences of it. This is because the majority of pretty printing is in fact done by so called unexpanders. Unlike delaborators they are of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander which in turn is an alias for Syntax → Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM Syntax. As you can see, they are Syntax to Syntax translations, quite similar to macros, except that they are supposed to be the inverse of macros. The UnexpandM monad is quite a lot weaker than DelabM but it still has:

  • MonadQuotation for syntax quotations
  • The ability to throw errors, although not very informative ones: throw () is the only valid one

Unexpanders are always specific to applications of one constant. They are registered using the app_unexpander attribute, followed by the name of said constant. The unexpander is passed the entire application of the constant after the Expr has been delaborated, without implicit arguments. Let's see this in action:

def myid {α : Type} (x : α) := x

@[app_unexpander myid]
def unexpMyId : Unexpander
  -- hygiene disabled so we can actually return `id` without macro scopes etc.
  | `($_myid $arg) => set_option hygiene false in `(id $arg)
  | `($_myid) => pure $ mkIdent `id

#check myid 12 -- id 12 : Nat
#check (myid) -- id : ?m.3870 → ?m.3870

For a few nice examples of unexpanders you can take a look at NotationExtra

Mini project

As per usual, we will tackle a little mini project at the end of the chapter. This time we build our own unexpander for a mini programming language. Note that many ways to define syntax already have generation of the required pretty printer code built-in, e.g. infix, and notation (however not macro_rules). So, for easy syntax, you will never have to do this yourself.

declare_syntax_cat lang
syntax num   : lang
syntax ident : lang
syntax "let " ident " := " lang " in " lang: lang
syntax "[Lang| " lang "]" : term

inductive LangExpr
  | numConst : Nat → LangExpr
  | ident    : String → LangExpr
  | letE     : String → LangExpr → LangExpr → LangExpr

  | `([Lang| $x:num ]) => `(LangExpr.numConst $x)
  | `([Lang| $x:ident]) => `(LangExpr.ident $(Lean.quote (toString x.getId)))
  | `([Lang| let $x:ident := $v:lang in $b:lang]) => `(LangExpr.letE $(Lean.quote (toString x.getId)) [Lang| $v] [Lang| $b])

instance : Coe NumLit (TSyntax `lang) where
  coe s := ⟨s.raw⟩

instance : Coe Ident (TSyntax `lang) where
  coe s := ⟨s.raw⟩

-- LangExpr.letE "foo" (LangExpr.numConst 12)
--   (LangExpr.letE "bar" (LangExpr.ident "foo") (LangExpr.ident "foo")) : LangExpr
#check [Lang|
  let foo := 12 in
  let bar := foo in

As you can see, the pretty printing output right now is rather ugly to look at. We can do better with an unexpander:

@[app_unexpander LangExpr.numConst]
def unexpandNumConst : Unexpander
  | `($_numConst $x:num) => `([Lang| $x])
  | _ => throw ()

@[app_unexpander LangExpr.ident]
def unexpandIdent : Unexpander
  | `($_ident $x:str) =>
    let str := x.getString
    let name := mkIdent $ Name.mkSimple str
    `([Lang| $name])
  | _ => throw ()

@[app_unexpander LangExpr.letE]
def unexpandLet : Unexpander
  | `($_letE $x:str [Lang| $v:lang] [Lang| $b:lang]) =>
    let str := x.getString
    let name := mkIdent $ Name.mkSimple str
    `([Lang| let $name := $v in $b])
  | _ => throw ()

-- [Lang| let foo := 12 in foo] : LangExpr
#check [Lang|
  let foo := 12 in foo

-- [Lang| let foo := 12 in let bar := foo in foo] : LangExpr
#check [Lang|
  let foo := 12 in
  let bar := foo in

That's much better! As always, we encourage you to extend the language yourself with things like parenthesized expressions, more data values, quotations for term or whatever else comes to your mind.