

A solution to the if normalization challenge in Lean. #

See Statement.lean for background.

We add some local simp lemmas so we can unfold the definitions of the normalization condition.

Simp lemmas for eval. We don't want a simp lemma for (ite i t e).eval in general, only once we know the shape of i.

theorem IfExpr.eval_lit {b : Bool} {f : Bool} :
eval f (lit b) = b
theorem IfExpr.eval_var {f : Bool} {i : } :
eval f (var i) = f i
theorem IfExpr.eval_ite_lit {b : Bool} {f : Bool} {t e : IfExpr} :
eval f ((lit b).ite t e) = bif b then eval f t else eval f e
theorem IfExpr.eval_ite_var {f : Bool} {i : } {t e : IfExpr} :
eval f ((var i).ite t e) = bif f i then eval f t else eval f e
theorem IfExpr.eval_ite_ite {f : Bool} {a b c d e : IfExpr} :
eval f ((a.ite b c).ite d e) = eval f (a.ite (b.ite d e) (c.ite d e))

Custom size function for if-expressions, used for proving termination.

Instances For
    def IfExpr.normalize (l : AList fun (x : ) => Bool) (e : IfExpr) :
    { e' : IfExpr // (∀ (f : Bool), eval f e' = eval (fun (w : ) => (AList.lookup w l).elim (f w) id) e) e'.normalized = true ve'.vars, AList.lookup v l = none }

    Normalizes the expression at the same time as assigning all variables in e to the literal booleans given by l

    Instances For