The forgetful functor from R
-modules preserves filtered colimits. #
Forgetful functors from algebraic categories usually don't preserve colimits. However, they tend to preserve filtered colimits.
In this file, we start with a ring R
, a small filtered category J
and a functor
F : J ⥤ ModuleCat R
. We show that the colimit of F ⋙ forget₂ (ModuleCat R) AddCommGrp
(in AddCommGrp
) carries the structure of an R
-module, thereby showing that the forgetful
functor forget₂ (ModuleCat R) AddCommGrp
preserves filtered colimits. In particular, this
implies that forget (ModuleCat R)
preserves filtered colimits.
The colimit of F ⋙ forget₂ (ModuleCat R) AddCommGrp
in the category AddCommGrp
In the following, we will show that this has the structure of an R
Instances For
The canonical projection into the colimit, as a quotient type.
Instances For
The "unlifted" version of scalar multiplication in the colimit.
- ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitSMulAux F r x = F ⟨x.fst, r • x.snd⟩
Instances For
Scalar multiplication in the colimit. See also colimitSMulAux
- ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitHasSMul F = { smul := fun (r : R) (x : ↑(ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.M F)) => Quot.lift (ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitSMulAux F r) ⋯ x }
The bundled R
-module giving the filtered colimit of a diagram.
Instances For
The linear map from a given R
-module in the diagram to the colimit module.
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Instances For
The cocone over the proposed colimit module.
- ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitCocone F = { pt := ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimit F, ι := { app := ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.coconeMorphism F, naturality := ⋯ } }
Instances For
Given a cocone t
of F
, the induced monoid linear map from the colimit to the cocone point.
We already know that this is a morphism between additive groups. The only thing left to see is that
it is a linear map, i.e. preserves scalar multiplication.
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Instances For
The proposed colimit cocone is a colimit in ModuleCat R
- ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitCoconeIsColimit F = { desc := ModuleCat.FilteredColimits.colimitDesc F, fac := ⋯, uniq := ⋯ }
Instances For
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