Subobjects in the category of R
-modules #
We construct an explicit order isomorphism between the categorical subobjects of an R
-module M
and its submodules. This immediately implies that the category of R
-modules is well-powered.
noncomputable def
{R : Type u}
[Ring R]
(M : ModuleCat R)
CategoryTheory.Subobject M ≃o Submodule R ↑M
The categorical subobjects of a module M
are in one-to-one correspondence with its
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
noncomputable def
{R : Type u}
[Ring R]
{M N : ModuleCat R}
{f : M ⟶ N}
↥(LinearMap.ker f.hom) →ₗ[R] ↑(CategoryTheory.Subobject.underlying.obj (CategoryTheory.Limits.kernelSubobject f))
Bundle an element m : M
such that f m = 0
as a term of kernelSubobject f
Instances For
{R : Type u}
[Ring R]
{M N : ModuleCat R}
{f : M ⟶ N}
(x : ↥(LinearMap.ker f.hom))
(CategoryTheory.Limits.kernelSubobject f).arrow.hom (toKernelSubobject x) = ↑x
{R : Type u}
[Ring R]
{L M N : ModuleCat R}
(f : L ⟶ M)
[CategoryTheory.Limits.HasImage f]
(g : CategoryTheory.Subobject.underlying.obj (CategoryTheory.Limits.imageSubobject f) ⟶ N)
[CategoryTheory.Limits.HasCokernel g]
{x y : ↑N}
(l : ↑L)
(w : x = y + g.hom ((CategoryTheory.Limits.factorThruImageSubobject f).hom l))
(CategoryTheory.Limits.cokernel.π g).hom x = (CategoryTheory.Limits.cokernel.π g).hom y
An extensionality lemma showing that two elements of a cokernel by an image are equal if they differ by an element of the image.
The application is for homology: two elements in homology are equal if they differ by a boundary.