Multivariate polynomials over a ring #
Many results about polynomials hold when the coefficient ring is a commutative semiring. Some stronger results can be derived when we assume this semiring is a ring.
This file does not define any new operations, but proves some of these stronger results.
Notation #
As in other polynomial files, we typically use the notation:
σ : Type*
(indexing the variables)R : Type*
[CommRing R]
(the coefficients)s : σ →₀ ℕ
, a function fromσ
which is zero away from a finite set. This will give rise to a monomial inMvPolynomial σ R
which mathematicians might callX^s
a : R
i : σ
, with corresponding monomialX i
, often denotedX_i
by mathematiciansp : MvPolynomial σ R
Alias of MvPolynomial.degrees_sub_le
Ring homomorphisms out of integer polynomials on a type σ
are the same as
functions out of the type σ
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